Chapter 10

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"A word!" the chief exclaimed in a hurried tone as he approached to the young man

"Certainly, look, if this is about Abigail" Wonka said, but suddenly the chief harshly grab him by his worn coat, turning around to face the fountain behind him, plunging his head into the ice cold water

"Do not sell chocolate in this town!" the chief exclaimed, pulling his head out of the cold water "Got it?" he asked

Wonka turned to look at him dazed and confused as water dripped from his hear, "Not really I'm afraid-?"

The chief then did i again "Do not sell chocolate in this town!" he repeated, pulling him a second time out of water

"I have water in my ears-!" Wonka gasped for air

"Oh... yeah, that makes sense" the chief let go of the young man "Look, I'm sorry... I mean the truth is, I don't want to be doing this..."

"I don't want you to be doing this-" he looked at the chief

"But I still have to give you a message, sell chocolate in this town again and you're gonna get more than a bonk on the head" the chief explained

"...That wasn't a bonk on the head" Wonka said softly

"Huh... what is with me today?" the chief put his hand on his hips, "Give me a second" . Then he pulled out his truncheon and hit Wonka in the head

• • •

Noodle was dragging the laundry cart, in which young Wonka was hiding in one of the laundry sacks; Mrs. Scrubbit and Bleacher were too occupied to even check up on them when they arrived, giving them a advantage

"Okay, Noodle, see you" the young man murmured, taking a small jump that allowed him to fall down the laundry pipe

"Oh, hello, Mr. Wonka" Abacus said from his seat at a table "We're happy you were able to join us"

"Not late, am I?" Wonka asked a bit desperately

"No, you almost missed it but you are just fine" Abacus explained

"So Tiddles has been pulling through?" He smiled, seeing his invention

"Tiddles has been a very good boy actually and productivity is up 30%" Abacus sees that Tiddles came running out of the boiler room, heading towards the exit "Now, where have you been?" he asked

"And why do you smell like a giraffe?" Piper added

"Well, I guess I owe you guys an explanation.." Wonka looked all of them "The truth is, I'm a chocolate maker!"

"And not just any chocolate, the best chocolate in the world" Noodle exclaimed when she arrived, smiling

"Well... Noodle just flattering me... but I can't say it's not true"

"We plan on selling chocolate to pay Mrs. Scrubbit" Noodle explained

"Oh, I'm assuming you encountered the chief of police?" Abacus questioned, adjusting his glasses

"...How'd you know that?" Wonka was confused

"Because I used to be Slugworth's accountant... one day, his old accountant got sick and I was called halfway across the country to take his place" Abacus said "It seemed to be a pretty straightforward job... until I realized that there were two sets of books... one of the authorities and one which told the truth"

Wonka and Noodle came closer to listen carefully

"Slugworth, Fickelgruber and Prodnose, have been building a chocolate cartel... they've been storing their chocolate in a vault, deep underneath the city cathedral, guarded by a corrupt cleric and five hundred chocolate hungry monks" Abacus continued to explain "The only way in is down a secret elevator and past the mistress of the keys... there's thousands of gallons of chocolate in there and the cartel uses it to bribe and blackmail in order to get rid of their competition"

Young Wonka lowered his head, thoughtful

"I'm sorry, kid, but they've got you right where they wanted, you can't get a shop without selling chocolate and you can't sell chocolate without a shop"

"Well, you have to be optimistic... I know that I'll come up with a new plan" Wonka said

• • •

Young Wonka was lying on his bed, lost in thoughts since he couldn't sleep, which allowed him to remember something, getting out of bed and approaching the window

"Hey! Sweetie!" he whispered, seeing the light of Noodle's bedroom turned on and she soon approached the window

"What is it?" she asked, confused

"Watch out!" Wonka threw a hook attached to a rope on the other side of the building, right to Noodle's window. In the rope there was a small bucket, he placed a jar of chocolates in there and slid it over to the girl's window

"What's this for?" Noodle asked, taking the jar

"Your wages... I said I would get you a lifetime supply if you'd help me, sweetie, ...and that's just the start" Wonka smiled

"You didn't have to"

"Of course I had to, I gave you my word" he said

"Oh, well... thanks... I have something for you too" Noodle placed a sheet of paper on the bucket

He grabbed the paper and tilted his head, seeing a drawn "A half filled cup?" he asked

"Turn it around" Noodle said, but the young man still couldn't understand it "It's the letter A... I'm teaching you how to read" she explained "I can't have my new dad nearly get eaten by a tiger"

Wonka smiled slightly "So will you let me be your dad?"

"I guess..." Noodle giggled "But... how are we gonna sell chocolate tho? The chief of police is already onto you..." she asked "I mean, we would need to be magicians... wait, you're a magician"

"Yeah... but there aren't any trapdoors around the city to help you disappear like there are on a stage..." Wonka said

Piper poked her head out of her window "Yes there are, they are called sewer drains... I could show you around if you'd let me tag along"

"I want to come too!" Larry exclaimed "I have to make up with my wife... I don't have many talents other than comedy but I can talk like I'm underwater"

"And if you need anyone for communication, I'm your girl" Lottie joined, smiling softly. Everyone looked at her

"Lottie?" Wonka questioned

"What? Why are you all looking at me?" Lottie was a bit confused

"I did not know she could speak" Piper said

"I thought you were a mime" Larry added, surprised

"Before coming here I used to actually work at the telephone call center... I used to be quite the chatter box" Lottie explained

"I'm sorry to ruin all of your fun, but if Mrs. Scrubbit finds out that you're all trying to escape, we'll each get six months in the coop" Abacus interrupted them "So think about that before doing anything"

"Don't worry about that, Abacus, my dad's chocolates are incredible, just try one!" Noodle passed him a piece of chocolate from her jar

Wonka couldn't help but smile walmly when he heard her call him 'dad'

"Thank you, Noodle, but I don't care how good his chocolate is..." when he started chewing the chocolate his eyes widened "When do we start?" he asked

Chocolate Heart (Wonka And Noodle) #1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora