Chapter 2: The Irreversible Departure

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Yin Shen felt himself floating away from his body, drifting slowly towards the sky.
He looked down upon skyscrapers, cities, continents, and even Earth itself.
As he ascended higher, moving beyond the orbit, he suddenly noticed rapid changes occurring on Earth.
In the blink of an eye, cities vanished, leaving no trace of humanity.
Continental plates were shifting, and lush greenery gradually covered everything.
Yin Shen immediately understood what was happening.
"The flow of time is accelerating. The moment I perceive now could be tens of thousands or millions of years in an instant."
"I just wonder if it's a backward flow or forward. If it's forward, does it mean that humanity has been entirely extinct?"
He gazed into the cosmos, then felt an invisible force pulling or throwing him into the vast and boundless universe, disappearing from Earth.
Eternal silence enveloped him.
He witnessed the birth and annihilation of countless stars, watched as entire galaxies rapidly collapsed.
He had never imagined such a magnificent spectacle, so grand and extraordinary that it could change one's beliefs, making one feel the insignificance of their mundane existence.
Is our ephemeral life truly meaningful?
The birth of life, the origin of civilization, the grandeur of technology – are they as great as humanity boasts?
The life of a human, the history of a race named humanity, and even the entire Earth.
Yin Shen could only describe it with words he had heard before.
"We are dust!"
The race and civilization called humanity seemed like a sudden glimmer in the corner of the universe.
Gone in a blink, without any meaning.
No attention, no care, and incapable of changing anything.
We originate, we are born, we strive to shine brilliantly, and in the end, we will inevitably perish.
Vanishing into the insignificant island in the corner of the universe, fading away in a moment that is but a blink of an eye for the cosmos.
Yin Shen's soul was shaken. To witness such a surreal scene, his dim and fleeting life seemed to have finally gained a glimmer.
He transformed into a beam of light, heading towards the depths of the universe.
Time reversed; he traversed dimensions and spacetime, heading towards the origin of everything.
As if, at the source of time, a powerful force was dragging him towards the beginning of all things.
Stars vanished, the universe converged.
Everything disappeared.
He also reached the endpoint.
"Where is this?"
Yin Shen questioned himself.
In this place, even darkness did not exist. Yin Shen felt like he, too, had vanished, leaving only consciousness in endless emptiness.
This was a place without space, without time, without anything.
He could only answer himself because he might be the first life form to arrive here, the sole existence in this place.
"Was I thrown beyond the universe? Or have I entered an unknowable dimension?"
He couldn't shout; he couldn't perceive any existence.
Suddenly, fear gripped his heart, and his friend's words echoed in his ears.
"That place might be another universe, maybe the source of time, or an unknown dimension that humans can't imagine."
"Nothing might exist there, like a prison, and your soul will be trapped there for ten million years, a hundred million years."
In an instant, he reached the pinnacle of fear and anxiety.
However, just as this thought surfaced, he suddenly saw a light in front of him.
He heard the sounds of seawater and tides, feeling an unparalleled clarity just by listening, accompanied by warmth.
He even felt bubbles rising beside him.
Sizzle, splash, gurgle.
These sounds moved him.
Before him, the ocean appeared, and the sea bottom was paved with gravel.
He saw a tiny trilobite crawling in the sand, and a noodle-shaped worm entwining in the seawater.
The trilobite, named Laidley's Trilobite, and the tiny, imperceptible unknown worm.
Once again, he remembered his friend's words, realizing what had happened.
"My anchor on Earth appeared. It allows me to observe Earth."
"They are my eyes, my anchors, and coordinates in the vast sea."
He didn't expect that the trilobite fossil his friend gave him would re-anchor him to Earth, pulling him out of eternal darkness and the bottomless abyss.
However, it is estimated that the other party did not expect that, in addition to a trilobite, the fossil also contained a worm from a distant era.
He reached out to grab the creature named Laidley's Trilobite.
He broke free from the cage, returning to the universe.
His consciousness was pulled into Earth, brought back from the unknown place beyond the universe and above time.
Anchored at a time node in the vast universe's countless eons, anchored in a remote star field on an inconspicuous planet.
This was a shallow sea, sunlight shining from above.
The seafloor was filled with ancient algae and fern-like plants, with large areas of underwater plants floating gently through the waves.
There were also sponge-like sponges, sharp bone needles extending from the outer wall,
Soft tongue snails embedded in the sand; he even saw clusters of trilobites crawling on the gravel.
Yin Shen walked step by step along the seabed, bewildered and clueless, sensing the abnormality here.
This should be Earth, but it couldn't be the Earth he was familiar with.
Finally out of the shallow sea, he stood on the land.
Barren ground, a continent devoid of any life.
Yin Shen looked at the Earth from millions of years ago, with a sky and sun so pure, and the whole world had only one human existence, himself.
"What is this?"
"The ancient Earth?"
Standing on the shore, the sea behind him erupted in huge waves, bursting into a roar.
The worm, accompanying Yin Shen's appearance, underwent a mutation.
It devoured gravel, seaweed, seawater, swelling in an instant into a giant creature tens of meters high.
Whether it was a plant or an organism, it was assimilated into it.
One could see a massive spiral shell growing

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