Chapter 8: Ancestral Fish

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On the grand avenue of God's Gifted City, the lifeless bodies of Trilobites were arranged in front of King Leidleykey, the King of Wisdom, their eyes forever closed.

Thousands of Trilobites knelt on one knee, creating a mournful atmosphere that lingered in the air.

Silence prevailed among the crowd, but all eyes were fixed upon King Leidleykey, their progenitor and the supreme ruler.

Leidleykey placed his hand on one of the corpses, sensing its youthfulness extinguished.

For the first time, he felt the terror of death and the fragility of life.

"I will find a solution," he declared.

The radiant promise in Leidleykey's eyes became the truth and faith for the grieving crowd, a will to change their current predicament.

A fervent chant echoed through the crowd.

It conveyed a message:

Leidleykey wasn't just their king; he was their god.

"King of Wisdom!"

"King of Wisdom!"


Leidleykey believed he was the King of Wisdom, and as a king, he should protect his subjects. Yet, he found himself at a loss. The King of Wisdom could only look again towards the gigantic pyramid in the center of God's Gifted City.

Under the starry night sky, Leidleykey ascended the pyramid, guarded by Trilobites on the stairs. Only the King of Wisdom had the privilege to enter this temple; for others, stepping onto it was an unforgivable crime.

Before reaching the summit, he saw a figure emitting a white glow standing at the highest step.

In the darkness, the figure was radiant, and the light formed threads that wandered in the sky, connecting with the stars. The figure within the radiance seemed ready to depart this world at any moment.

Witnessing this scene, Leidleykey couldn't help but exclaim, "God!"

He hastened his steps, climbing the extended stairs, chasing after that glow.

As if fearing the radiance would truly disappear into the stars.

Sitting on the steps, Sally with her braided hair blinked her large green eyes, gazing at the distant sea. She resembled not a living being but more like a doll.

God looked at the sky and stars, seemingly waiting for him. As Leidleykey approached, God spoke.

"Do you know? Land in this era shouldn't harbor any life, but here, a miracle of life thrives."

"Before our arrival, this place already possessed greenery."

Leidleykey followed God's gaze but couldn't understand why God looked to the sky while talking about the land. The night sky was filled with stars, dizzying to look at, as if the stars and galaxies were rotating.

But it seemed that God heard Leidleykey's thoughts, for he continued.

"Because the factors influencing life are not on the land but in the distant sky and universe."

"This place should be close to Earth's poles, or it's an exceptionally unique location, forming a protective atmosphere above us."

"It should be the ozone layer, allowing us to see plants here."


"Truly is a miraculous place, the Eden of life."

Leidleykey couldn't comprehend God's words, considering them more like God's murmurs to himself than explanations for Leidleykey.

But he knew God was unraveling the mysteries of this world, the truths unseen by mortal beings.

As they faced the boundless blue sea, fearful of its vastness, God's gaze penetrated the stars and galaxies.

Leidleykey: "It's God's guidance that led us to this miraculous land of life."

"It's you who let us thrive here, under your protection."

"Allowing us to have a race, to establish civilization."

"If miracles truly exist, God, you are the creator of miracles."

God lowered his head, casting a luminous shadow over Leidleykey.

"Encountered problems?"

Leidleykey found it hard to speak. He had promised God that he would create a great civilization, exuding confidence at the time, believing it would be an easy task. However, as the journey began, he was struck down by difficulties.

Over these years, he learned sorrow, joy, love, and various emotions.

This time, he experienced shame.

Leidleykey knelt before God, bowing at his feet, his face pressed against the cold stone, unable to look at God.



"We need food."

Leidleykey's tone became more urgent, speaking with unparalleled devotion and sincerity.

"Oh, God!"

"Please guide us."

God's gaze rested on the King of Wisdom, looking at him like a child who had not yet grown up.

He lifted Leidleykey and led him into the temple.

Leidleykey, in shame, lowered his head, listening as God provided guidance, revealing the future.

"The most primitive civilization involves hunting and gathering, progressing to animal husbandry and crop cultivation. While conditions for cultivation aren't present, I can teach you how to farm."

Leidleykey heard this term for the first time, "farming?"

On the outer walls of the temple, the fused creature Sally's discarded shell was embedded, visible from inside the temple.

Within the temple were stone basins, each containing marine plants clearly not native to the land, already withered.

God pointed at Sally's shell, and a glow spread from his fingertips.

The enormous shell, under God's control, gradually became transparent.

Through the transparent shell, Leidleykey saw pure seawater inside, containing peculiar life forms. The most abundant among them resembled fish but possessed thick shells.

"This is a life form I recently created. I want to call it a fish, but it doesn't quite fit."

Leidleykey, closely observing the life forms within the shell, asked, "Fish?"

God pondered for a moment. "Let's call it the Ancestral Fish."

In times of boredom within the temple, God was enthusiastic about creating new life. It was one of the few hobbies and capabilities he had in this era.

Although he became more adept at using the random box created by Isa's shell, he still hadn't created mythical beings like Leidleykey and Sally. Instead, unexpected creations emerged.

This was a jawless fish, surviving by sucking in water through a straw-like mouthpiece.

They grew armored plates, appearing somewhat fearsome.

Though referred to as fish, they did not belong to the true category of fish.

God pointed at the jawless fish inside the shell. "This is the food I bestow upon you."

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