The Yellow Rabbit

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We got back to the stage. "Split up." Mike said. He went in a closet. I went back down the hall towards the office. I checked the office. She wasn't there. I checked the supply closet. No Abby. I saw Mike leave a room, but stopped when I heard footsteps. I quickly hid and saw a figure appear.

Mike's POV...
I heard heavy footsteps coming. I looked at the entrance. He was here. The Yellow Rabbit animatronic walked in the room, his back slightly hunched over. He walked more like a human than the rest of the characters. He stopped in front of me. I shot my taser at him. He didn't go down. He laughed and slapped the taser off of him, then he charged at me. He pushed me away and onto the ground. "You couldn't just leave it alone, could you? But this is great!" He said. "First, I killed your brother. And now i kill you. Symmetry, my friend!"
"Go to Hell." I said. He kicked me in the face. I felt myself almost pass out. "Wake up, children!" The animatronics rose. "The little ones tell me that you have a sister. She will love it here! But you however... are finished!" He swiped his knife. "Farewell, Micheal Schmidt."
"That's enough!" I heard from Vanessa.

Y/n's POV...
I saw Vanessa point her gun at The Yellow Rabbit. "A bit old for temper tantrums aren't we, Vanessa?" He asked.
"I'm not kidding, Dad." She told him. He took off the mask to show his face. "You started this. Now help me clean up the mess you created!" He said. She continued to point the gun at him. "You know you're not gonna fire a gun. Even if you had the courage to pull that trigger, I am one of them. Your bullets are worthle-"
Vanessa pulled the trigger and hit him in the chest. He looked up at her. He slapped the gun out of her hand. "I gave you one job. Keep him in the dark, and kill him if he got too close." William told her.
"Thats two jobs." Vanessa said. He grabbed her by the neck. I ran at him and grabbed his arm. I saw his face. "YOU?" I asked as I saw he was the career counselor. He punched me in the eye. I let go of his arm and went down. I saw Abby running to replace a picture on the board. He let Vanessa go. She grabbed his arm. "I won't let you." She said. William grabbed her shoulder and stabbed her in the chest. "No!" I yelled. I got up and punched him in the face. He swung his knife at me. I jumped back and he punched me again. Mike was gone. The lights went out and Abby put a drawing up. They came back on. "They can see you now." Abby said. Foxy got in front of Abby, defending her. They turned the characters against William Afton. "Look at you! Look at the nasty things you have become. Look how small you are. How worthless you are. You are wretched, rotten little beasts! I made you!" William said as they surrounded him. The cupcake bit into the suit, taking a part of it out. Something inside the suit went off and started stabbing him. I got up and grabbed Vanessa. I put her arm around me and I started walking.  William Afton grabbed the Yellow Rabbit head. "I always come back." He threatened as he put it back on, then succumbing to the suit. Mike and Abby came to me and helped with Vanessa. Mike put her other arm around him. The four of us got out of the pizzeria while the animatronics dragged William Afton away.

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