3 - Level Unlocked: Friends?

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The following weeks consisted of meeting up on the weekends to go to the library and work, though not much was done on An Suho's part; Sieun felt like he was only there to ask unlimited questions about his personal life—to break the ice, as Suho had put it.

"What's your family like? Where do you live?" Sieun sighs exasperatedly for the 𝑛th time and looks up from his book. "Will you stop bothering me and actually do your work if I answer your questions?"

Suho holds a hand up and puts on a solemn face, as if he were reciting an oath. "I, An Suho, swear to finish my unbelievably boring maths homework after Yeon Sieun the Weirdo answers my questions."

"It's a 'yes' or 'no' question, you moron," Sieun mutters under his breath, completing his sentence before clicking his pen and putting it down, sitting up straight and turning his chair to face Suho.

"Right. Are you ready to answer as truthfully as possible? You can ask me whatever you want to know afterwards." Suho claps his hands, rubbing them together fervently. Sieun doesn't match his enthusiasm, not responding to his question.

Suho stops abruptly, casting Sieun's blank expression a deadpan look, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms apprehensively.

"What is it, Sieun-ssi? Is there nothing you want to ask me? Well, that can't be possible because I'm quite a catch, let me tell you—everyone in our year is curious about me."

Suho was met with silence. Having closed his eyes during his passionate tangent, he didn't realise Sieun was staring at him incredulously, wondering if he was being serious. Suho cracks open an eye, anticipating Sieun's response. "How did you know I'm not curious at all?"

Exaggerating his look of surprise, Sieun holds back a smirk, poking fun at Suho's crestfallen face.

"Oi, Yeon Sieun, what are you saying? I'm a very interesting person, I'll have you know—come on, ask me something!"

"I thought you wanted to ask me the questions-" "That can wait, I want you to ask me something, come on... "

Sieun glanced at Suho, who was sitting on the edge of his seat, hands clasped, almost kneeling in front of him, begging for him to ask a question. Sieun exhales through his mouth, lowering his head as he shields his eyes from Suho's sight, before squeezing them shut and clamping his teeth down onto his lip.

After a beat, Sieun decided to throw aside all caution, took a deep breath, and raised his head confidently, meeting Suho's perplexed gaze head-on before opening his mouth and asking his question.

"Are you seeing anyone?"

Two weeks had passed since their time at the library, and Sieun had felt different ever since. He carried himself with a little more surety, and he was a little less pragmatic about his routine.

This surprised Sieun's father most definitely, for he had hardly expected that when dinner time came, Sieun would be the first to start the conversation. Mr. Yeon choked on his drink as his eyes widened, unsure at first that his son was actually talking to him.

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