8 - Double Feature: The One where It all Comes Out.

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"What do you mean, you don't know what to do?" Suho shrugs, sighing defeatedly. He taps his chopsticks against his bowl with one hand, both elbows on the table, as he holds his face in the other, staring into space.

"I've had arguments with people before; I know that, but it feels different when it's Sieun. I feel like I'm going against the law of friendship or something—I don't know." Geum is pensive, absorbing Suho's words when a look of recognition flashes across his face.

"Well, talk to him for a start. Forget this friend and that friend—you're all Sieun has, right? From what you've been telling us."

"Yun, I think–" "So don't ruin that because of an argument that you haven't even found out the reason for—go find him, ask him if he's alright, and have a sit-down. Talk it over. Relationships without communication don't last." Yun mutters a small 'thank you' to Manok, who brushes a stray strand of hair away from his eyes, tucking it behind his ear as he meticulously divides the fried rice into five portions.

Geum clears his throat as soon as he finds a moment to talk, giving Ha Yun a signal with his eyes once he finished sharing the rice, indicating that he has something to add.

"Suho-ya, can I tell you what I think?" He wipes his hands and sits up straight, shaking his head dismissively at Changsin, who motioned for the rest of them to stop eating out of respect for the conversation that was taking place. "It's okay, Seo—it's nothing serious; I may need your help, though." Changsin nods and swallows his food, sitting back and letting Geum continue. "I think the reason you feel different about your relationship with Sieun than you do with your relationship with us is because you care about him differently."

Manok let out an 'oh, I see,' as he exchanged knowing looks with Changsin. Ha Yun gave a depleted sigh and shook his head gently, as if he were hoping for a different outcome.

"What are you referring to? 'Differently?'" Suho asks, taking a drink and reaching for a crisp, grabbing a small cluster of them the second time to avoid continuously reaching over the table. "I'm referring to 'like'. As in possibly 'love', kind of 'like'. I'm saying the way you care about him is like how I care about Yun, or how Seo and Manok care about each other."


'Oh' was right. Geum, along with Manok and Changsin, had put it together before Suho did. Yun also knew what Geum was implying, but he didn't want to accept that it could be the truth. "Or not, you guys—we don't know that Suho likes him in that way; we can't assume things." Suho sits quietly, mulling over Geum's words and listening to Yun's interjection as he chews the rest of his food.

There was a moment of silence between the five as this went on, and Geum let out a sigh before pouring everyone another drink, thanking Changsin for passing the cups around. Geum breaks the silence, unable to sit still any longer.

"What do you mean, we 'can't assume' things? You've seen Suho's face when he talks about Sieun—you've seen how he acts when he's with Sieun. Are you seriously telling me that An Suho doesn't have feelings for him? You, who used to have the same look on your face when you would talk about–" Yun shoots him a murderous look, wordlessly cutting him off. Geum shrugs indifferently, holding his hands up in defiance.

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