PPEB: Preparation for Ambition

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Extra Chapters on P@treon



"Have you informed the other detectives and Captain about this yet?" Elise asked to which Mathew replied "Yeah I did...everything in the precinct is in upheaval. Forget about all that for now and let's go down. The other kids will start coming soon." Mathew then knocked on the door and said "Kids...come out now. We should go back down."

"Ryan don't let them know we heard them. Just act like you normally do" I said to which Ryan nodded and said "Coming"

After a few minutes, the 4 of us came down to the main hall and the kids had already started coming. Of course, they were accompanied by at least one parent.

"Hey, what were you doing up there?" A voice came from behind me. As I turned back I saw Peter sitting at the dining table along with two of his friends...Ned and Liz.

I could understand Peter being here since Aunt May and Mrs Smith are friends and all but what about Ned and Liz? They don't even know Ryan or the two little ones. But before I could ask Liz got up and said "We were just walking Peter home since they are in the same direction and Mrs Smith insisted we come to the party as well. I hope that's not a problem." The tone in her voice suggested she was a bit hesitant and embarrassed.

"No problem at all...I am sure the twins would love to meet you." I said to which Liz looked up and smiled. The way she looked at me in the eye was noticed by Ned because the next second he also got up and said "We normally don't walk home together... it's just that Peter was feeling down due to Professor..." Ned was saying but Peter nudged him with his hand to stop talking.

"Feeling down? Why what happened?" I asked to which Peter pushed the fatty aside and said "Nothing Jared...he doesn't know what he is talking about."

I kind of had an inkling as to what happened. It must be the same professor that Peter told me about this morning.

"I am sure Peter can solve any problems that he faces at school." I said and walked away.

Third Person POV

As Jared left, Peter and his friends sat back in their chairs "Ned...what were you thinking blabbering in front of my brother?"

"What? He is your brother...why don't you tell him?" Ned said.

"But" Peter was about to retaliate but Liz stopped him and said "Ned is right you know...what Professor Moris did today was uncalled for. He only asked you the hardest questions...I am telling you he is finding ways to lower your score for the entire semester Peter."

'I already told Jared about Professor Morris this morning...if he hears the name again then nothing good will come of this.' Peter thought.

He then assured Ned and Liz as he said "Like Jared said...I will handle the problem myself. You two are worrying for no reason."

About half an hour later, the birthday party started. Many other children from the twins' class came with their parents and eventually, the entire house was crawling with kids.

While Jared mostly helped out wherever needed people started to leave as well. The first one to leave was Detective Elise followed by Ned and Liz and all the other kids. By the end of the night, Jared also left with Aunt May and Peter.


Parker Residence. (9.30 PM)

Jared's POV

As we came back home, we all were pretty tired. Luckily Aunt May hadn't told Peter about the murder or there would be a ton of questions from this guy.

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