January 10th

3 0 0

You call me a distraction,
Blaming me for stealing your time,
As you proudly show me your knowledge,
Of this or that, or whatever,
Neither of us really cares.
You say I'm wasting my time,
But still proudly praise me with your friends,
Even if they, too, don't see the point.
Who cares?
I'm getting your approval,
That's enough for me.
You keep telling me to do something more useful,
Yet you spend hours teaching me,
Turning every moment spent together into a learning space.
I'm so grateful for it.
Look at you,
Supporting my choices even if they were caused by an idiocy,
Helping me however you can just because, well,
I'm stubborn anyways.
How can I not fall for you,
If you keep acting like this?
Whoever you're destined to end up with,
She's one lucky girl.
I hope she laughs at your black humor,
But to the point her belly starts to hurt and tears roll off.
I hope she bickers with you,
But secretly smiles when you don't see her.
I hope she'll love you,
But only if it's more than I do.

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