January 21st

3 0 0

When you're the one to take the lead,
Even if it's for everyone's sake,
Doesn't matter what's the truth,
You're the one to blame for everything.
Juggling four conversations at once,
Calculating the appropriate decisions for all,
Answering questions left and right,
All without making a single mistake.
I feel my breath getting shorter,
Everything feels foggy,
No word makes sense anymore,
All I hear are confused sounds.
Nails dig in the palm of my hands,
I need help,
Someone, please, anyone
Take some load off my shoulders.
I can't manage this much,
But everyone's used to leaving it up to me.
I've always been able to,
Why would I break down now?
But my calls for help get no answer,
My pleads only meet silence and confusion,
There's no one, no one, no one,
Who'll walk with me, holding me up.

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