HC's How I believe their life went after TD pt 1

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-Went to law school (Obviously)

-Represents people abused by the TV industry. (Idk what type of lawyer this is called)

-Did public defender work for a few years

-Overworked herself and ended up missing appendicitis which developed into sepsis, so a good month in hospital for court!! Helped her realise the fragility of life, so she started dating again.

-Heather is the only one she consistently contacts.

-Frown lines that got worse overtime

-Flat out refuses to speak about Total Drama

-I imagine her settling with a slightly older person who works as much as she does, but they understand each other.


-I headcanon him as autistic so I imagine he stayed in the education system for as long as possible for stability. (Bachelor's -> Master's-> Doctorate -> PhD) Basically got paid to study

-Went into the tech business after he maxed out the education system. (Self employed)

-Grew out his hair

-Owen, Eva, Izzy, Emma and Kitty are the only people he actively seeks contact with after TD.

-Has the most elaborate room dedicated to his hobbies where they all hang out

-Takes 10 business days to reply

-Supports his parents

-Will lob the closest heavy object at your head if you even utter the words 'Total Drama' if you don't say 'The Ridonculous Race' after

-He questioned his sexuality throughout his entire life, wondering if he was 'gay enough' or 'straight enough'


-Her 15 minutes of fame had dried up by the time she was 25, but the money sure didn't 🤑

-Lindsay is her emergency contact for some odd reason

-Gets a lash lift every week to make her eyes appear bigger

-Tried making the switch to contacts but she kept poking her eyes so she stayed with glasses

-Her and Brady split when she was 19, and she moved on, marrying a chef at 26.

-Collects Playbills every time she goes to New York

-Works at the front desk at a private gym to pass time

-Her parents made her invest in some random stock when she won the million, so it will last her for years

-2 girls

-Happy with life


-Total Drama ruined him

-Muscles atrophied after being locked up in the drama machine. He's not skinny but he will never be as muscled as before World Tour (the moobs will be missed severely)

-Decided he liked his hair slightly longer than average but not down to his shoulders

-Random spasms and pain due to nerve damage

-Him and José got over their childish feud as their frontal cortexes matured. Alejandro was ashamed of his behaviour on the show

-Can't operate heavy machinery due to how much medications he takes for his nerve damage (Also stomach ulcers)

-Got a doctorate in engineering and designs sustainable electricity converters

-Uses his father's diplomatic connections to get electricity to rural areas in developing countries

-Personally I believe he didn't end up with Heather but a person who lived modestly, was passionate in their love and someone he was proud to bring home to his parents (You can believe Heather matured and they made up or anyone you want)

-Two children, an older boy and a younger girl

-Crows feet from smiling so much

-Never told his children about Total Drama

-Massage and lymph node drainage ADDICT.

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