Chapter 2

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Satoru quickly spotted Suguru’s figure not long after. Suguru was about to leave the garden of their school, carrying his lunch boxes wrapped in cloth. So this is where Suguru went, the school’s flower garden.

“Oh, there he is.” Satoru says.

Kiyotaka stood just right behind Satoru and searched for the person that Satoru was referring to. Satoru wouldn’t shut up about this pretty transferee of his, so might as well see it for himself. But Kiyotaka didn’t expected him to be this gorgeous, wow.

That guy named Getou Suguru, he’s stunning. His hair sways along with the wind when Suguru walked towards the both od them, and his facial features are exquisite. Suguru seems like a beta, but if he was an apha, he could easily get women and omegas on their knees.

Kiyotaka peeked at the young master for a few second to see his reaction, and man was smiling from ear to ear. His hands are both placed on his waist, waiting for the beautiful guy to approach them.

Satoru waited patiently. Yes, he really waited for Suguru even though he was eager to walk up to him and discuss his offer. But thankfully he had some self control or his excitement would be obvious. Satoru doesn’t want to appear as childish, not in front of the gorgeous guy.

Their eyes met and Suguru almost flinched at the sight of two guys standing outside the garden so he quickly averted his gaze somewhere else. Suguru needs to leave fast, thank goodness he already had lunch before anyone disturbs his peaceful break.

“Hey, what do you think of–?” Satoru’s smile slowly faded while he stood still when Suguru walked past him, not throwing him a glance or anything.

Fucking hell!?

Did Satoru just got ignored? After wearing those beautiful smile? And the effort of searching for Suguru during their break? Suguru would just ignore him!?

But, Satoru didn’t missed the scent that came from Suguru when his hair almost brushed against Satoru’s face due to a sudden gust of wind. It was intoxicating, like the sweet scent of vanilla and citrus. It was calming with a sense of familiarity, as if Satoru had known this scent all his life.

Shit. This is crazy, did it really came from Suguru? let Satoru sniff that scent one more time.

“ Gojo-san?”

“Huh?” Satoru came back to his senses when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Gojo-san, your classmate is about to leave.” Kiyotaka pointed at Suguru’s direction.

Oh, right! Satoru needed to talk to him, that’s why they’re here in the first place. “Hey you, Suguru, or whatever your name is.” Satoru called.

Suguru slowly turned around and pointed at himself when he heard someone call him, using his first name at that. “Me?” he asked confused.

It was his silver-head classmate, Gojo Satoru. What does he want from Suguru? Wait– did Satoru really get offended by how Suguru acted towards him earlier? Is he here to pick a fight? Oh, no.

“Yes, you.” Satoru says, grinning as he walk up closer to Suguru. This beta guy is prettier up close. “I’ll get straight to the point since you probably know who I am already. So, the thing is, my butler over here can’t be in the same class as me due to our grade level. I only need someone who can run me some errands when we’re at school and maybe sometimes at home, so what do you think of becoming my slave?”

Satoru offered, even using dramatic hand gestures to prove his point.

“Excuse me, what?”

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