I'll Always Look Out for You

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Evie ran into the treehouse and kneeled down in front of Jack.

"You, what's your name?" She pointed to Quint.

"Quint Baker," he answered 

"Turn on the light, I gotta check him for serious injuries," she motioned to the lamp next to June. After Quint turned on the light, Evie checked Jack for cuts or bruises. 

"Aye, blonde buff guy." She looked at Dirk.

"I have a name." he responded.

"Whatever your name is, go get the first aid kit."

Dirk went and got the first aid kit. "Is he ok?" asked June. "Yeah, just a few scabs and scrapes from the off-brand Thanos," responded Evie. 

"If you are ok with me asking, how do you know Jack?"

Evie thought for a moment. She remembered the day their mom died. 

"He's my little brother," she said.

A very shocked silence filled the room. Jack looked at his older sister. "Evie?" said Jack, breaking the silence. "Yep, it's me, Jack," she said.

"I thought I would never see you again." Jack's voice cracked. 

"I promised you that I would come back for you, and I kept that promise."

Dirk walked down the ladder, handing Evie the first aid kit. 

She got some Band Aids and put them over the cleaned wounds.

"None of them are infected, but we should get back to town," she said.

Dirk was confused for a moment, but after Quint explained the whole thing, he understood who the woman was. "What's your name, anyway?" asked Quint. "My name is Evie Snark-Sullivan," she remarked. Jack walked outside and whistled, signaling the Wormungulous to head back to Wakefield. He stared at Thrull's dead body, the grass now soaked with purple blood.

"I always knew my big sister was a warrior."

Once they got back to Wakefield, the other monsters were confused.

"Where's Thrull?" asked Skaelka, her axe raised for battle.

"He's dead."

Sullivan-Snark Siblings AUWhere stories live. Discover now