I Know What You'll Say

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TW: Religious abu$e, autism overstimulation 

Summary for the chapter: Jack has flashbacks and nightmares to a really bad foster family and June comforts him.

"Where were you guys?!" June asked, visibly worried and agitated. "At my old house," answered Jack, seeing how worried she was. "Look, it's already sundown. We should get some rest," said Evie. "She's right, friends. We need sleep," agreed Quint. 

-~Time skip~-

June was fast asleep. The only sounds coming from her were her slow, deep and steady breathing. 

Jack walked past Dirk and Quint's room, Dirk snoring loudly and Quint glued to his arm. Jack walked past and into June's room.

"Junebug..?" It sounded like Jack. "Raven..?" she asked sleepily. 

He only shifted in his position slightly closer.

"Raven, words," she reminded him. He was going nonverbal due to overstimulation. 

"I, um, had a nightmare..." whispered Jack. "Well, what was it about?" asked June. 

Jack froze. "I-I don't wanna talk about it right now," he stuttered. June could see the fear and sadness in his eyes, and hugged him tightly. He went stiff as she hugged him. Jack shakily hugged back, burying his head into June's shoulder. He felt his eyelids getting heavier, as he fell asleep. 

June gently put his head on the pillow, kissing his forehead. He lightly blushed, smiling as she kissed him. It was as if all his anxiety washed away. Then June noticed something. A cross necklace that a church kid would have. Jack was a Hellenist, and a bisexual. Why would he have a cross necklace? He was clutching the necklace tightly. Like he was scared of something. June was confused and concerned. 

"Junebug..? Are you still here..?" Jack whimpered. Jack was the only person besides her parents that June allowed to call her Junebug. "Yeah, I'm here Raven," she responded. He stayed silent for a while. 

"Can we talk about the nightmare..?" asked Jack

"Yeah, we can," she said.

"O-ok. Are you comfortable with... talking about..." he whispered this next part, "...religious t-trauma..?" June was in a state of pure shock and anger and sadness for Jack. She wasn't angry at him, she was pissed. Pissed at whatever monster would do these things to a child.

She nodded, ready to listen.

Jack took a deep breath and continued. "It was me and Evie's first foster family. They were extremely religious and would speak about Catholism all the time. My f-foster dad was a priest and forced me and Evie to be perfect. In the nightmare, Evie got a low mark on a test and he- he- s-stabbed her..."

"Oh my god... that's terrifying! Is there anything that triggered the nightmare?"


"Ok, thanks for trusting me with this. Night."

And with that, Jack fell asleep, right there in June's arms.

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