Yeah That's What I'll Do

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"What do you mean he's dead?!" pondered Bardle. "Evie killed him, before he could finish the summoning ritual," explained Dirk. "Who is Evie?" asked Globlet. "My older sister," said Jack. 

"You have siblings?" said a small, purple monster. "Yep. 5 years apart," she commented. "Jack, here, is the younger, dumb but kinda smart brother. I'm the oldest." 

"Hey!" Jack said defensively. "I mean, Evie's not wrong," stated June. 

"Why, June?" he uttered.

"Aw, man! I thought we were gonna have some epic, long fight!" Skaelka whined. "The good news is, Rezzoch has been stopped from entering this dimension. However, stopping her indefinitely will be difficult," stated Bardle. 

~-Time skip-~

After the five kids got back to the treehouse's original spot, Evie walked down the ladder to get a glimpse of her little brother's foster home. "Hey, Jack, are your foster parents home?" she asked.

"Nope. They just took off without-" Jack was cut off. "They left? Without you?!" she discussed. Evie was flabbergasted. That's an understatement, she was downright taken aback by this. How could they just leave him like that?

She decided to see if the door was unlocked. It was. "Hey, Jack, is it ok if we go in your old house?"

"Yeah! Be right there!" Jack yelled. He grabbed the Louisville Slicer and walked out the door to the treehouse. He opened the backdoor to his house. The place looked pretty decent actually. Besides all the Vine Thingies, the place looked the same as before the Monster Apocalypse. Jack thought back to when he and Evie were never separated from each other after they're mom died. Their father was only whatever God there was knew where.

"Hey! I think I found your bedroom," said Evie. "Where?" asked Jack. He ran to Evie's location she was standing. It looked exactly the way he left it.

Hey y'all! This AU is really fun for me to make, so I hope you enjoy it!

Sullivan-Snark Siblings AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora