Chapter 22: Drafted

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The stench of sweat and anticipation hung heavy in the hallway as the team gathered for one final pep talk from their coach before the game. Kenzie pushed her way through the suited team members, searching for Zack.

"Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!" Coach Reynolds bellowed, reciting his favorite speech from the film Friday Night Lights with all the conviction of a true believer. He paced back and forth in front of the team, his face beet-red with passion as he explained why it was the best sports movie ever made.

Rob caught Kenzie as she pushed past him, explaining the significance of the speech. "He does this every game," he whispered, smirking. "The man worships this movie."

As the coach concluded his speech, the players erupted into cheers and applause. It was then that Pablo sauntered up to Coach Reynolds, his predatory gaze scanning the team. Kenzie instinctively shrunk back behind Rob, her heart pounding in her chest. Pablo sneered at the enthusiastic scene before him.

"Winning isn't enough, boys. I want you to kill them out there. Never show the enemy mercy," he commanded, his voice cold and menacing.

"Right but be sure to have fun out there too," the coach interjected, trying to maintain authority in the face of Pablo's chilling presence. "Except for you Zack" The coach points at him from his perch, "You're benched. If you pass those exams, maybe we'll see you on the court next year."


Meanwhile, at the remains of Kyle's old home, Ethel stood scanning the area, she still didn't know how he escaped the prison they had made for him. As she stepped through the threshold of the home, she could feel Gluttony's weakened aura. She stepped into the kitchen to find Kyle leaning over the charred island as if he had been waiting for her.

"That took longer than expected, Ethel," he taunted, as he crossed the room toward her. "I suppose you are trying to put it all together? Trying to figure out how I made my daring escape."

Ethel gritted her teeth, her anger flaring. "Shut up, we both know you couldn't have done it on your own!" she snapped, her voice cracking with the weight of her own doubt.

"Does it really matter now?" Kyle pressed on, his eyes boring into hers. "I'm free and I've hidden the stone so I am not going back. I offer still stand though, I am more than willing to join your covenant and share all my knowledge of sins with you."

Ethel knew that in his weakened state Kyle wasn't a threat to her, she also knew that he had a scheme and was most likely trying to use her to complete it. Maybe, she thought she could use that to her advantage.


The gymnasium erupted with anticipation as the players took their positions on the court. The atmosphere was electric, and Zack could feel the weight of Pablo's ultimatum pressing down on him as he sat on the bench beside Rob. He tried to focus on the game, but his mind kept wandering back to how he could protect everyone from Pablo's vengeful game.

"Hey," Rob nudged him gently. "You alright, man?"

Zack sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just... I feel so helpless, you know? After what happened with Lindsey and Sarah, I can't shake the feeling that we're losing our grip on this whole situation."

Rob nodded solemnly, his eyes clouded with concern. "Yeah, I get it. I'm beginning to think we are trying to play checkers in a game of three-dimensional chess."

"Right," Zack agreed, his mind wandering back to how he could save Kenzie without giving up Ethel.

"Alright, listen up!" Coach Reynolds barked, calling their attention. "Gorth, you're out. Harris, you're in." He pointed at Rob, who looked shocked.

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