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"You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."

—Marcus Aurelius


Wearing a clothe I've never worn before. I scan myself once again in bewilderment. Touching the pendant hanging on my neck given by Seungkwan awhile ago, I rub the smooth surface as his previous words play in my head.

"You need to wear this," he rolls his eyes before informing, "Since you lost your precious memory, let me tell you that this town is quiet far away from the capital," his eyes sharpened, "Unexpected things might happen."

After saying all of that, he left. Taking one more glance on my attire, I walked out from the door with an unsatisfied expression. Seungkwan already told me everything I should know and surprisingly, I understood it more clearly than I thougth.

Remembering the route, I took one last turn on the right side and saw a light. As I finally stepped outside, I saw three people standing outside with serious expression on their faces.

"What took you so long? Do you know how precious every second and minute we wasted just to wait for you?" Seungkwan scolded and I can see all the frustration building up on him. I pitifully thought, this guy might die early from stress. He didn't share much information about him but there's so many way to know.

"Told you, he's literally scheming something." Felix says.

That again?

"Enough of that." Ryujin demanded and I watch as her short red hair beautifully fluttered. She look at me for a split second before walking out of the deck then firstly jumped up to the wooden stairs.

Unknowingly, my eyes adverted on Mingyu who's been standing like a pillar. When our eyes meet, my eyes widen a little. I heard him 'tsk'—ed before following along Ryujin. He casually jumped up there then Felix followed afterwards.

Seungkwan was about to jump when suddenly he turned his head to me. He spoke with an irritated tone, "What are you standing there for? Hurry up." As if I didn't hear him, I calmly walked there and stood.

He clicked his tougue before putting his hands on my waist then lifted me. Surprised, I grip the edge of the wood and jumped—thrown—there causing me to fall with a 'thud'.

That bastard.

I groaned standing up and without me noticing, Seungkwan was already standing beside me as he rub his palm together. He glance at me before asking in smugness. "What? I helped you."

In disbelief, the corner of my lips curled up. Before I could even declare my thoughts a feminine voice cut me off. "Let's don't waste more time here, Felix and I will go to the West, Seungkwan to the North and the two of you go to the East."

Without wasting any time the three already starts moving out, leaving me and Mingyu alone there. Too puzzled by the situation, I didn't realized that Mingyu was already walking to our designed direction.

I dragged my feet and try walking on the same pace as him. Curiously, my head starts moving around the loud and crowded supermarket, they're selling things I haven't seen before. There are necklace, food, clothes, and etc. This world really is different just as Zaar said. And I don't know why I find myself comfortable here.

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