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As we left off, in Shibuya, (YN) was swinging around another area of Shibuya where the destruction never happened. Small streets, lots of alley ways and some subway stations too. He kept swinging through Shibuya, building by building to even find anyone from his school, teachers, anyone, especially Nobara. But not even a single one.

(YN): Damn it. Can't find anyone. Not even Panda, Maki, Mr.Nanami...not even Nobara.

Venom: Maybe Nobara and the others in the subway stations?

(YN): Hopefully. Let's go check.

(YN) falls and to land on the floor on feet and to make a run for it through a subway station entrance, but before they do, (YN) stumbles upon some nails on the floor...

(YN): These nails...they're from Nobara!

Venom: You think she's close??

(YN): Hopefully. Let's go in.

(YN) rush down stairs and arrive to the stops. As he does, he then arrives to a station, where he sees a bunch of people, just standing there, dozed off, not moving a single body at all, just standing there...brainless...

(YN): What is going on over here?!

Venom: I don't know, but this feels disturbing.

(YN) checks on the people, waves his hand in front of reaction...

(YN): Weird. They seem dozed off, yet un-harmed...strange.

Venom: ...Can I eat their-

(YN): No.

Venom: AW COME ON!! I haven't ate for a year!

(YN): And for lying me to think you "sacrifice" for me and "died" and to turn out to be alive this whole time without even telling treats for you.

Venom: Hmph! Loser!

(YN): Mmm....Woah. Check this out.

They then spot something on the ground, they notice that part of the floor seem like something heavy dropped there specifically.

Venom: Seems like something heavy caused this.

(YN): Yeah, whatever it was, it was intense.

Venom: Hm, enough wondering here then. Let's go and find Nobara.

(YN): ........

Venom: (YN)??

(YN): O-Oh,'s just...

Venom: *sighs* This again??

(YN): N-No, not that. It's...It's Itadori.

Venom: Oh?

(YN): Do you think...he might've saw me when Sukuna took over??

S2 Nobara Kugisaki x Male Cursed Reader (Book 2: Shibuya Incident)Where stories live. Discover now