Chapter Six

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"YOUR BODY COUNT IS MORE THAN 100?!" Lizzie screamed in Sammy's ear.

"Is that judgement I am hearing?" Juls asked, casually gulping down the bottle of wine. "And I thought I was the hoe, damn!" Takes another sip.

"I clubbed a lot when I was in London and America, okay? Of course one night stands always happened, and I certainly don't fuck twice unless we are exclusive, so yeah, more than 100 is about it."

"I only fucked one guy, and the sex was traumatising let me tell you, FOR MONTHS. Let's just thank God we didn't even look at each other for the rest of the years and no sex. Like I could barely handle it, I straight up lied I am asexual, and he pulled the I still love you and nothing his hands couldn't do. I just want to go and thank him and all the girls he fucked when he started cheating, I rested."

"How bad was he? I am dead curious honestly," Sammy asked leaning back, and tilted her head to face Lizzie and Juls, snuggling her hands in the hoodie.

"Let me tell you" Juls said.

"How do you know?" Lizzie asked now sitting upright looking at Juls dead in the eye. Don't get her wrong, she absolutely doesn't care who he fucked, but the idea of her bestie being one of them hurts.

"Remember Rebecca, the witch," Juls asked explaining herself before Lizzie kicked her out.


"Th wench actually recorded them fucking and sent it to the group chat, that group chat you left? That one, it was so dead I cried for you."


"Like two days after you left, I tried telling you but you were off the radar, and I was like its not worth it, so I just forgot about it."

"On a scale of 1-10, how horrible was he?" Sammy asked

"Break the damn scale, infinity out of 10, in fact allow me..." Juls got up on her knees and put a pillow in front of her crotch, and started thrusting, no rhythm no coordination, and ugly screaming. Sammy threw her head back and laughed, Lizzie was so shocked, but immediately got over it, and started imitating her ex's sex talk.

" 'Yeah you like that dick, you like that cock, say you love daddy's big cock' Plot twist it was 4 inches,"

"YEAH! YEAH!" Juls kept on weirdly thrusting on the pillow.

"Two seconds later," Lizzie said in that SpongeBob SquarePants voice, and Juls started shaking like she was having a seizure and screaming weirdly.

Sammy was on the floor cramping from laughing, Lizzie had tears in her eyes, Juls was laughing loudly smacking the edge of the couch. And that went on for 5 minutes.

They went silent for couple of minutes, Sammy chuckling and heaving occasionally.

"Shit, I think I love you guys. She said 'two seconds later'. Oh God, my stomach hurts." Sammy said lifting the hoodie dazzling them with her rock hard abs, rubbing her stomach up and down.

"Shit, I think I like girls." Lizzie said, that one sip of alcohol she took hours ago kicking in just then.

"Fantastic news then. Cuz I have been trying to fuck you for a while now," Sammy said jokingly, looking at Lizzie with those awfully dazzling eyes. "But you been eyeing my brother, no?"

"I change my mind, I don't like girls anymore, that is one fine ass man that I need."

"Well, because I extremely like you, I am gonna try my best to swing him your way, immediately you hurt him, I am sorry but I don't mind going to jail again, lots of free food and pussy." Sammy said so casually snuggling her hands in her pockets again, eyes slowly closing.

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