The ending of a date

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    Kate's POV
I was bracing for his reaction since I did not know how he would react. All of a sudden his face lit up even more than when he was eating the Max Brenner's dessert. He said " no way, really ? That's so kickass and cool. You literally fight the bad guys." I laughed and said "yes." He seriously looked like a kid opening a Christmas present. He then started asking questions back to back " what's the weirdest case you have ever worked on ? Do you have scars that tell a cool story? What's the hardest part about being a detective? Is it true that you are on call twenty-four-seven? What's the creepiest case you've witnessed? Do you know how cool your job is? I replied " well at least give me a chance to answer just one." He looked down sheepishly and said " sorry." I responded "it's okay, I am not really suppose to tell you about what happens in cases because not all knowledge is made available to the public. But I did get shot in the chest once, between my breasts so there is scar from that. I wouldn't really call it bad ass since it was at my previous Captain's funeral and now I have a stupid scar because of it." After finish telling my mini story about my scar I looked up at Castle and his jaw was dropped. I started snapping my fingers around his face while saying " earth to Castle." He finally snapped out of what ever trance he was in and said " you... got... shot... in ...between... your... breasts..? I leaned over towards him and smacked him on his head which made him jump. I then said " out of everything I just said that's all you picked up on ?" He started scratching his hair and then said " no but getting shot in between your... is huge. Wait I didn't mean it like your breasts are huge." I raised an eyebrow at him and said " so my breasts are very small then I take it? They do not fit into your usual size? I was trying my hardest to stifle a laugh because I was joking but Castle on the other hand looked like he was about to have a heart attack. He then said " no they are not small, shit, I am just digging myself into deeper whole aren't I? I replied " you sure are."

Castle's POV
Crap, I did not mean for it to come off as I was staring at her breasts when she mentioned them. I may have looked briefly but she brought them up. I decided to stop being me and focused on the other important parts of her story that she told me. I then said " well how are you doing/ coping with the you getting shot at your captain's funeral, how are you actually doing ? Kate looked at me and replied " so you were listening to me after all and did not completely loose it when I mentioned my breasts." I laughed, she continued on by saying " I was not really expecting getting shot by a sniper at his funeral, I still didn't even know why I got shot or why my captain got killed. It all just seemed to happen very fast and I had no other choice but to get over it even if I wasn't over it." I looked down at her palm and started holding her hand, she gave my hand a small squeeze. I replied " I'll be your personal therapist and I'm here if you need my help. She laughed and said "you are so not qualified." I then asked " did you drive or take a Uber here ?" She replied " I drove, why ?" I told her " let's head back to Max Brenner's so I can you walk back to your car." She nodded her head. After walking for a few minutes we finally ended up back at her car and I said " so this is it, do you mind me asking for your number?" She responded by saying " it is and yes you can." We exchanged phones and put our numbers in each other's phone and then gave each other back our phones. She was about to get in her car when she stopped, turned around and gave me a kiss on my cheek. She said " thank you for giving me one of the best dates I have been on in a while." I smiled as I watched her get into her car and drive away.

So what did y'all think of this update ? What was your favorite part ?

By the way, I started posting a chapter every week since I was on break. The Spring Semester starts tomorrow, literally. I don't know if I'll be able to update weekly, it may take me 1-3 weeks to update but I will try my best. Back to university I go 🙃🫥.


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