Marlowe Prep Pt.2

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                          Kate's POV

Well it seemed like Alexis wanted us to get straight to the point and I don't blame her. I spoke up and said " We wanted to show you a picture to see if you know this person?" She gave me a skeptical look and said " I could take a look at that picture and tell you if I know that person or not, but on the other hand I think I'd rather not." Ryan, Esposito and I jaws' hang in shock. Ryan was the first one to recover and then said " I know this must be difficult for you but all we're trying to do is find out who killed a young girl." She snapped her book shut and responded " it's actually not difficult for me, but for you I must imagine it is. I know you're trying to do your jobs but how stupid are you guys really?" I was taken back by her tone and I was not having it. I spoke up and said " okay, you don't have to be rude or disrespectful..." before I was finished speaking she cut me off and said " I'm not being rude, because you're asking me questions, me, a minor without an adult present. And I'm betting my money that our principal gave you the go ahead to speak with me knowing that any and every information I give you right now would be inadmissible in court. Did you guys stop to think about how the principal gave you the go ahead so easily?" We stood there like deers caught in headlights because Alexis was absolutely right. Esposito said out loud " even though you are being annoying, you are right, so thanks kid for saving our asses without us even realizing." She replied "you're welcome and to save us some time I have one word." I then asked " what's that word?" She then said slowly " L A W Y E R." I couldn't help but laugh, she really saved our asses and played us at the same time. When I looked at Esposito and Ryan, they were laughing as well. We watched as Alexis closed her book and got up and started walking away, we couldn't do anything but watch her walk away. Esposito then said " why the hell would the principal set us up for failure?" Ryan responded " I don't know but I can already smell something fishy going on." We started walking back to our cars but got lost along the way. We ended up taking a little bit longer than usual to get to our car. We got in the car and Esposito was driving about for two minutes when Ryan screamed. Literally screamed. Esposito swerved quickly parking the car, and I looked back to see what the hell was going on. It was none other than Alexis, sitting in the back. I spoke up said " how the hell did you even get in here ? You do know that's a crime right? An actual crime ? More importantly why did you break in to our car ?"

Alexis gave them one hell of a time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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