Marlowe Prep

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                              Kate's POV

We got the location of Marlowe Prep and it was about a hour drive to get there. When we got out of the car, the school looked more like a castle than a school. Ryan said " well wow, I wonder how much of my organs it would take to get my kids to go here." I smacked his arm and said " not funny." Esposito then replied and said while laughing " you have to admit, that was a little funny." I just rolled my eyes. We walked to the  main entrance where there were two security guards. I quickly looked around taking in my surroundings and there were a lote more security guards around the school's campus. I guess the have to take all measures so that these kids are safe since their parents would have their heads if they were not. We showed our identification and they let us in,and gave us the directions to the principal's office. When we got there Esposito started speaking " Hi, we would like to ask you a few questions about this girl? The principal replied " I have no idea who she is but I have seen her hanging around Alexis here and there." Esposito then continued "do you know where we can find Alexis, and do you mind if we speak to her ?" The principal responded " sure, go ahead and she may be in the cafeteria." We saw a janitor and that's when Ryan asked him " hey, can you show us where the cafeteria is ?" He walked us to the cafeteria and Ryan said "thanks."  There were a whole of kids in this cafeteria and now we just had to find Alexis. Instead of playing pin the tail on Alexis, we asked a teacher and he pointed us to a bright red head girl. She was sitting by herself reading a book. We were quite a distance a way so as we approached her, we saw someone bring her food, people talking and saying hi to her then continue on with their day. When we finally reached her table she was engrossed in her book. I then spoke up and said " Hi, are you Alexis by any chance?" She replied, " if you know who I am, what's the point in asking, if I am who I am ?" Esposito spoke up and said " well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine." I tried to stop myself from laughing, and to my surprise Alexis let out a bright smile. She then spoke up and said " so, how may I help you detectives?"  Ryan, Esposito and I all looked at each other wondering how she knew that we were detectives since we didn't identify ourselves as of yet.Ryan then asked her, " wait how did you know that we are detectives?" She replied " your walks, and the guns at the sides of your hips bulging out.Plus, if you guys were not someone with authority you would definitely not be here right now and you just confirmed my suspicions, but back to my question again, how may I help you detectives?"


Well they found Alexis 😂. Do you think Alexis will answer their questions or no?
Did y'all pick up on the Castle reference. Get it the school looked like a Castle and they are castles.... That was probably corny lmao.

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