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"Oh my god it's beautiful," Rachel says in awe, looking at the ring Carrington got me. It's a diamond, and costs close to a hundred thousand dollars. I swear these men have no better things to do with their money.

I grin "Right? It's so pretty"

"Is" She admires it for a bit more before letting my hand go "So, can I make you anything my royal princess?"

Okay, Angel, you can do it, it's only asking for a little thing—no need to worry.


Just ask her, it's not that big of a deal


It is a big deal to me.

"Angel I-"

"Wanna have a sleepover with me?" I avoid eye contact with her, then add hastily "I mean only if you really, really want to. We can have all the snacks we want and- and we can watch anything you want too!"

It's silent for a good bit so I look up at her, only to see her in tears.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I won't ask you-" she cuts me off with a hug, catching me off guard.

We've never hugged, and I've only ever gotten hugs from the men, but coming from a girl like me, it feels much more comforting.

"Oh honey of course I'll have a sleepover with you" she hiccups, wiping her tears.

I sigh in relief "Okay but why the tears then?"

"You uh" she hesitates "Don't get me wrong in any way but don't you think you're getting stripped off from your early 20s because of... well you know" she fidgets "I mean of course you're living the dream life but... the dream life is also going shopping with your girlfriends and going on trips together and... sleeping over and... sharing drama between each other... gossiping, being delusional together" she pauses "And... and you're not getting that..."

I blink "Well... yeah but at the same time I'm getting comforted and loved by not one, two, or three but four men who've made me their entire world so... so yeah." I gulp, blinking back tears "And, and I have you so" My chin wobbles and she nods with more tears in her eyes, and hugs me even tighter than before.


It's been two days since I was brought here and so far, they've let me be. I eat with them, at the head of the table at that, I converse with them, but nothing... sexual has happened yet, and I'm glad.

"Good morning" I smile at... Zeon? I'm still a little confused with the names.

The man gives me a small smile "Morning baby" and goes back to his phone.

I freeze. This is the first time I've ever been called by an endearment by any of the four men except for Carrington. Unsurprisingly, a guy with a heavy British accent calling you 'love' is very sexy.

Zeon- I think, doesn't even notice.

Speak of the devil, Carrington walks into the living room. While Zeon's dressed in all formal, Carrington's in some grey sweats, and help me I can't stop staring.

He walks up to me, grabs my face in his hand, and kisses the hell out of me. My eyes widen and I freeze again. He pulls back and looks at my eyes and then lips before kissing me again.

This is what they want from you, so you do it.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. I hear him chuckle, and then he effortlessly lifts me and puts me on a stool near the kitchen counter before kissing me again.

Spoiled | A Reverse Harem Age-Gap Erotic Romance [18+]Where stories live. Discover now