01. I don't need coffee

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And there I was, sitting on the living room couch at 3 in the morning waiting for Hyo-Seop to arrive.  If I had known that going to live with my best friend meant being like his babysitter, I would have thought about it a little more.

Ahn Hyo-Seop he was, in the eyes of the girls, a sugar candy, very adorable and cute but, for me who knew since i was six-year-old, I can say that Hyo-Seop is the complete opposite. The man goes out to party almost every weekend, but that is not the biggest problem. In addition to that, our department has planned a parade of girls in their underwear in the morning after getting involved with Hyo-Seop.

I heard footsteps approaching the door followed by meaningless laughter, I guees he had fun today too.

-fxck, they changed the key, this one dosen't work- he said annyoid behind the door.

I decided to open the door to my stupid friend so he would let me sleep once and for all.

Hyo-Seop looked at me with a smile.

-You- he extended the word happily -Thank you princess, i think i lost the keys-

I helped him enter the apartment and he could barely stand, I left him on the couch.

-Don't move from here- I went too the kitchen

-Don't leave me alone- Hyo-Seop screamed but i ignored him

Hyo-Seop grew up in a golden cradle, he was the youngest of two older sisters, which is why he was the "prince" of his house. His father owns his own company and was waiting for Hyo-Seop to take his place, but seeing that his 28-year-old "little boy" was a disaster, she decided to first teach him the basics and try to get him to change a little.

-I don't care, I just wanted to have fun for a while-

-Well, sir, "I want to have fun," drink your coffee once and go to sleep- I left the coffee on the table, Jungkook just looked at him with displeasure.

-Take it- I ordered, I just wanted to sleep.

-I told you that I love you very much.- He approached me with his arms outstretched and hugged me.

-This won't stop you from taking it- I wrapped my arms around his neck, returning the hug, I really liked hugging Hyo-Seop he felt like a huge bear.

-I've already told you that you're very pretty- he said, looking into my eyes.

-Oh no, maybe with many girls that works for you but not with me- that's what I wanted to think.

-You're really very pretty- he continued, lengthening the words.

-Yes, I know I'm beautiful but you better drink your coffee...-

Hyo-Seop lips fell silent on mine, I stood still not knowing what to do, what are you supposed to do when you have your drunk best friend kissing you?

Something that I had noticed the previous times was that when Hyo-Seop drank too much he became very... horny, but he had never tried anything with me for two reasons: the first was because he always came accompanied by some girl with long legs and the second was because he always came accompanied by some girl with long legs. because he fell asleep as soon as he sat on the couch.

Hyo-Seop lips moved over mine, with his tongue he tried to make its way through my lips, that was enough to make me continue the kiss.

Now I knew why the girls were after Hyo-Seop, he is a very good kisser.

His lips moved at an exquisite rhythm and her tongue nimbly explored my mouth, it was a burning kiss in every sense of the word.

I knew I had to stop him but my body didn't want to walk away, a few months before Hyo-Seop began to attract my attention as more than just a friend, if it weren't for his attitude he would be every girl's ideal man, they couldn't blame me for being attracted to him. He is a handsome man and has legs worth admiring.

I pushed my thoughts aside when Hyo-Seop hand pressed one of my breasts.

-Hyo-...hyo-seop we must., st...stop- I said between kisses

-Just enjoy sook, I don't need a stupid coffee to feel better, I just need to fxck until I can't take it anymore - he looked into my eyes, his eyes were a little swollen due to the alcohol but his eyes were darker and his look was not the same.

Apparently Hyo-Seop was somewhat aware of what he was doing, but he was still drunk, that was what made me doubt.

I was going to refuse but Jungkook's lips attacked mine again, it was a hungrier and more passionate kiss than the previous one, my hands went into his shirt, caressing his marked abdomen until I reached his strong and wide back.

Hyo-Seop made a path of kisses from my lips to my neck, he sucked each part he kissed, I abruptly stuck to him, I took my hands out of his shirt, took the edges of it and took it out, his abdomen was before my eyes, I couldn't take off the look of hyo-seop well-built body.

With clumsier steps than normal and without separating our lips we managed to reach his room where he fell on the bed with me, leaving me on top of him.

I kissed his neck just as he had done with mine, his skin was soft and exquisite, his hands eagerly caressed my legs which were at his sides, I kissed and bit his neck, I took care of leaving a small mark, somehow. I wanted them to remember what happened that night..

Only you / Hyo-SeopDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora