02. Can we talk?

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I woke up feeling a little sore in certain parts, when I turned around I saw Hyo-Seop back with some marks made by my nails, the images of the previous night were repeating in my head, Hyo-Seop made me cum with his mouth and then entered without no type of resistance in me, he went in and out quickly so I couldn't help but dig my nails into his back.

It was time to return to reality. I didn't know what would happen after this, will everything be normal? Will it be uncomfortable? The only thing I knew was that in some way I confirmed what I wanted to avoid, I wanted Hyo-Seop as more than just a friend.

Hyo-Seop shifted between the sheets, turning his head to look at the time on the clock next to him.

He rubbed his face with both hands rubbing his eyes, doesn't he realize I'm there?

Apparently he felt my gaze, seeing my face reflected confusion but after a few seconds he started laughing, I wrinkled my face due to his reaction.

-Mmm thank you...thank you, I'll go prepare something to eat- I got up as quickly as I could, grabbed my clothes and left wrapped in a sheet without saying anything else.

Apparently the only one who felt uncomfortable with the situation was me, how the hell could I mess with Hyo-Seop when he was drunk? For God's sake, does this mean that I take advantage of him? Of course not, he wanted it too, we both wanted it and it just happened. I didn't force him to do anything.

-But he wasn't in all his senses- I reminded myself, feeling even more uncomfortable.

I spent the whole day trying to avoid Hyo-Seop, I know it's childish but it was the only thing I could do until I clear my head, I locked myself in my room and thank goodness Hyo-Seop's father called him and he had to go out.

I came to the conclusion that maybe I should tell Hyo-Seop how I feel and that I no longer see him as a friend, but my cowardly side told me that it wasn't the best option, I didn't know what to do, maybe I should just talk to him. and hear what he thinks about what happened.

I went down to the living room and sat down to watch television for a while, I needed to distract myself a little from all this business.

I heard the door open, Hyo-Seop came in, taking the bag off of him, when he noticed my presence he looked at me and gave me a smile.

-Hyo-Seop, can we talk?- I asked trying to sound as calm as possible.

He approached me, leaving his bag on the back of the sofa, sitting next to me, facing each other.

-If it's about what happened, let's just try not to think about it, I don't want the situation to become awkward between us-.


-You asking me to forget the most passionate night of my life?-

-Look, Yn , I was drunk, I didn't know exactly what I was doing and if I'm honest I almost don't remember anything about what happened. I only remember that I refused to drink the coffee you made.

-Do you want us to pretend none of this happened?- I asked naively

Apparently I was more of an idiot than I thought.

-I think it will be the best for our friendship, don't you think Yn?

I felt like crying "I think it will be the best" that word was the one I always used when I said goodbye to the girls at the door of the apartment, apparently I'm just one of them for Hyo-Seop, a girl he fucked without remembering anything and he just doesn't want her see again.

The week went by faster than I thought. After Hyo-Seop made things clear, we were no longer like before. Hyo-Seop started going to the company more often. I stayed longer at university. I thought it was just a matter of time. so that things would change and go back to how they were before. Hyo-Seop no longer brought girls to the apartment and didn't go out with the boys all week, which seemed a little strange to me.


n Fridays Hyo-Seop and I spent the afternoon together playing video games or watching movies while we ate until we were completely full, but this Friday I would have to cancel those plans.

That day I was in the library studying with Heeseung and apparently that was going to be a long time, we had a very important exam on Monday. Heeseung is a very smart boy and he helped me understand a lot of things, we were taking a short break when my phone rang.

It was a call from Hyo-Seop.

-Hello Hyo-Seop, what's going on?-

-What do you want me to bring to eat? Today I'll let you choose- I stayed silent for a moment, how am I supposed to tell him? -Or do you want me to choose what to eat and you choose the movie?

-Mmmm Hyo-Seop I won't be able to today- I said almost in a whisper but he heard me clearly

-Yn, I don't want the situation to continue like this, I swear I don't remember anything about what happened, if that's what worries you, I'm doing everything possible to make this as comfortable as possible for both of us but apparently I'm the only one who makes the effort- he sounded annoyed

-But if I hardly see you, why do you spend all your time going to your father's company when that bothered you?-

-I'm trying to change for once in my life Yn- I could have sworn he was running his hand through his hair in desperation.

-I'm sorry- I sighed heavily -but Heeseung and I have...-

-Heeseung? The one who only spends his time acting stupid? I can't believe it Yn-

The story between Heeseung and It didn't last long, but it was meaningful. A while ago we were something like "friends with benefits" for almost five months, it was good while it lasted, but Hyo-Seop never really liked him, or as he always told me he just couldn't stand it, and Heeseung thought the same about him... Everything ended well and now we are just friends.

-Don't tell him like that, he hasn't done anything wrong- I said, defending him.

-You know what? Do whatever you want I can't believe you'd rather spend the day with that fool than with me-

-Don't say that, he's helping me here... - Hyo-Seop ended the call without letting me finish.

Only you / Hyo-SeopDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora