03. I fall in love with you.

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I went back to where Heeseung was a little upset about what happened with Hyo-Seop, I just hope I can talk to him.

Study time was reduced by an hour since Hee had to take care of her little sister and had to go pick her up from her aunt's house.

-Thank you, Heesung, it wasn't necessary- I said once we were inside his car.

When he finished studying, he realized that he would have to take me back on my own and he didn't like that at all, so he offered to take me without giving me a chance to refuse.

-Of course it was, one of the things my father taught me was to never leave a lady alone- he said with a smile, starting the car.

Heeseung somehow reminds me of Hyo-Seop. Many girls saw him as a gentlemanly boy and it was true, but they also saw him as an innocent boy, something that is very far from reality and I was able to see it firsthand. When it comes to sex he is very dominant and doesn't care much about the place, he is smart, adorable, friendly and at the same time dominant, of course once he gained confidence, it was no surprise that he had many girls after him.

Heeseung and Hyo-Seop did not appear to be his true personality and that could be dangerous for girls who approached with too much confidence.

I pushed my thoughts away and focused on the song that was playing on the radio, Heeseung and I started singing the songs that were playing.

-Thank you Hee, I'll see you on Monday- I smiled, saying goodbye to that adorable boy.

-You're welcome Yn, if you have any questions about any topic you can send me a message and I will solve it for you right away-

I saw the time on my cell phone and it was just about to strike seven, I still have time to talk to Hyo-Seop, take a bath and watch a movie together.

I left the elevator determined to fix the situation with Hyo-Seop and apologize, I started to think about what he said and even though it would be difficult for me to accept it, somehow he was right, I was the one who tried to avoid him most of the time.

I entered the apartment and the lights were off.

-He's probably in his room-

I walked to her room, the light was on and the door was open, the closer I got the more nervous I got, I tried to organize in my head everything I wanted to tell him.

The words did not come out of my mouth, the only thing that came out was a small scream, Jungkook was in his room but he was not alone, he was lying on his bed while a girl was riding him agilely, I turned around and walked to my room.

Thought Jungkook had changed, but I was wrong and the desire I had to be with him turned into frustration, how is it possible that he is happily fucking in his room with the door open as if he lived alone?

After the girl finally stopped screaming, I left my room and went to the kitchen, out of the corner of my eye I saw that the door to Hyo-Seop room was closed.

When I entered the kitchen I found the editor girl, she was dressed in a Hyo-Seop t-shirt, which barely covered her butt. When she saw me she was not in the least impressed.

-Are you Hyo-Seop sister?- She she asked in her irritating voice.

-No- I said, walking past her to get to the refrigerator.

I understand that it's not the girl's fault, Hyo-Seop is the one who lives here and he is the one who should respect our home, but I was so upset that anyone would irritate me.

-You're right Hyo-Seop couldn't have a sister like you, so what are you? I imagine that if she was a boring roommate, she looked at me mockingly.

I really wanted to hit her.

-I'm the girl who will get you out of here right now- Before she could say anything else, I took her by the arm, pulling her and complaining, I took her to the door and threw her out, closing the door in her face.


he started banging on the door like crazy, and started cursing.

-What did you do Yn?! - Hyo-Seop said leaving her room with only a pair of pants on.

He walked in front of me and opened the door. As she did so, the editor girl tried to jump at me, but Hyo-Seop stopped her.The girl's face was red with anger and her hair was messy

-What happened? -He asked, seeing the editing girl.

-This ugly and stupid beast took me out of the apartment as if she is the owner- she shouted, pointing her finger at me.

-The funny thing about this is that you walk around the kitchen happily without being the owner of the apartment, you are nothing more than me, an assembly girl- I said with a smile on my face.

-What did you call me fxcking b!tch-

-Don't worry, I'll fix this, you go change and I'll take you home- Hyo-Seop said to the girl but without taking his eyes off her, the girl went to change without saying anything else.

-Why the hell are you acting like that Yang Yn? -Hyo-seop shouted when he heard the door to her room close.

-Because I don't want to see those girls modeling around the apartment anymore and I don't want to hear the crap they do- I said, raising my voice.

-That never bothered you, why now do you come to throw tantrums at me?

-They're not tantrums, I just want you to respect me, I live here too. I got tired of this-

-Respect?- He started laughing -You didn't want that when I arrived drunk and we slept Yn, if you had wanted respect from the beginning I would you have said something from the first time I brought someone home?

-And you don't know how much I regretted it, I don't know why those girls scream- Now I was the one who laughed in his face which was red with anger

-Don't believe the big deal Yn, good sex is remembered, don't you think? and I don't remember anything about what happened with you that night, and if you don't know why they scream, it's because I simply slept with you to lower my fever and they make me want to do it right-

That hurt

Tears of helplessness fell from my eyes, my hand collided with his cheek, leaving Hyo-Seop surprised by my action.

-You're stupid Ahn Hyo-Seop, I can't believe I fell in love with you!-

-What about you?- He asked surprised, not believing what he had said, even I couldn't believe it.

I didn't say anything and I simply turned around and left the apartment. I just wanted to be alone for a moment and walked without any specific destination.

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