Come Closer. [ Black's Origin. ]

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[ TW(S) ; Heavy gore, murder, death, cannibalism. ]



The Skeld; A place of dread and grief. A place where trust does not exist. You must watch your back, or else you will be backstabbed. You could be standing beside your best friend right now, your loved one, your child.. And they could be a murderer. Someone plotting to kill you. You can't trust anyone here. You can't trust yourself. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you clean? Or are you covered in someone else's blood? The blood you put on yourself.

'Don't wander into the halls!'

'The farthest corridor holds something nobody wants to see..'

'No, no. I think it's dormant, it hasn't killed in years. The species are gone now, we're all safe!'

'No! Impostors are still alive! They're here!"

Bullshit. Jokes. A child is dumb enough to wander far out into the halls. A child knows nothing more than how to eat, sleep, and walk. A child sees nothing but good in the world, they do not understand the pros and cons of death and life. They are living, they do not understand how to function in life properly. They follow their guardians, until they are old enough to be by themselves. They mimic their parents; Their parents are responsible for what they grow up to be..

But this child?

No, no.

Their parents abandoned them. The two took one look at the child with a traffic cone upon their head, and said to each other.. "Maybe we should have thought more about this."

Cruel enough to place their child in the ejection chamber and escape off to another ship, the mini crewmate was left to die. Alone, scared, helpless. They did not know how to take care of themselves. Trash was all they were, a toy to be ejected out into space.. But that didn't happen.

Someone found them, and he took them as his own.

He gave them life. The first ones didn't. He gave them love. The first ones? Well, they didn't. He gave them a name, he calmed their fears. He became their guiding star, and he dried their tears. He wouldn't let anyone hurt this child, they were his; He would teach them to grow up and be just like him.. A hard working crewmate. And that's what they aspired to be.. They wanted to be just like their mentor.

But he failed to protect them one day.

And himself.

Now, we go back in time 20 years. The child was known to be 4. They would follow their guardian everywhere, learning how to do tasks and fix the machinery around the Skeld. They were a very quick learner, and in no time, they were already off.. Just at the age of 5, doing tasks all by themself.

But standing beside their mentor, of course.

He wouldn't let them out of his sight.

The mini crewmate sat on the carpeted floor, the soft whirr of the ship humming in the background as the other crewmate stood, promptly sorting the weapons back into the places they prolonged to be.

- 𝐕𝐒 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐕𝟒 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 -Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu