Bound To Confusion. [ White × Reader. ]

154 13 14

[ TW(S) ; Slight sensual themes(?) ]



Nature's shower became a bit bold today— The symphony of falling water was like a small song to the ears. Straight and silvery like a punishment of steel rocks hitting against the clear roof of the cockpit, the thunder rumbling as if it were hungry.. Yet its continuous echoes were drowned out by the rain's droplets. Definitely not your cup of tea, but the sounds were rather peaceful to soothe your throbbing headache. The downpour was expected, yet not this early in the morning.

Your tired vision glanced down to the one lying on the floor, the back of his head snuggly tucked against your thighs. He seemed content. Or, as content as he could be. His usual, cold and stoic expression usually made you wonder; Yet you always found yourself asking him if he was okay, only to get an answer of sarcasm or to be scolded.

"Comfy, eh?" A warm chuckle erupted from your throat, your back promptly pressed against the cold wall of concrete behind you. You glanced up at the giant windows upon the ceiling of the Airship, the rain dripping down the glass like tears of sorrow and grief, before turning to look back down at the imposter.

His visor that was closed before you spoke was opened slightly, nothing but a squint coming from him. His hands that were clenched together remained resting against his chest, each calm breath he was taking making his chest rise and fall. It was rare to see him so gratified like this.

"What premise do you have to judge me? Just let me enjoy this without having to hear your annoying ass voice." White replied with a grumble, his fingers clamping together tightly before his visor closed, once again.

Yet, hearing those words had become normal to you. He was quite the insulter, that's for sure. Yes, he did love you; But expressing his love? It was rather impossible, to say the least.. White had always been the difficult one to deal with. As cold, emotionless and empty as he was, it was a hard task to even get the words 'I love you' to come out of his mouth. It wasn't a toxic relationship. He never laid a finger on you, harmed you or touched you in any way unnecessary or inappropriate— Yet sometimes, you would wish he would at least show a little more intimacy.. But that's the classic White for you. As violent as he was, he could be so gentle at times.. Such as now.

"Huh," You retorted, the soft hum of the Airship ringing in your ears, along with the soft patters of the rain against the flying aircraft. "And yet I thought you liked sleeping on the floor."

It was no lie. He would usually crash out on the hard floor of the vents.

"I'm allowed to change things up whenever I want, love." White snarked, his voice dull and empty as his visor opened to look up at you. His arms now crossed over his chest, a simple shrug coming from him.

You looked down at the imposter with an almost uninterested look, your visor falling half-lidded as you looked down at White.. Your arms crossed now, beginning to shove the other off your lap— Which, he gave you an absolute death stare as his head plopped against the cold floor, looking now as if he wanted you dead.

"Last time I checked, you said I felt like a rock?" You hummed in response, a sly smirk spreading across your face.

".. Well, you're a comfy rock." White grumbled, a noticeable shade of light pink beginning to swarm his cheeks as he glanced down at your thighs.. It was no lie. This guy would always nap on you, yet would sit and admit he hated it— Or hated you, as we're going to be completely honest here.. But you knew he didn't mean that. Since when did he ever mean anything he sa— Never mind.. But there were times he didn't really mean his hurtful words.. Besides, his sins were just dust when it came to it.

- 𝐕𝐒 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐕𝟒 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 -Where stories live. Discover now