Unprofitable Impostor. [ Black & Grey. ]

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[ TW(S) ; Death, gore, murder, mentions of cannibalism, thoughts of suicide. ]




With a slam of his fist on the table, the crewmate let out a groan of frustration. The others around him had immediately went silent, the quiet atmosphere of the space outside now filling the cafeteria.. Some of the crewmates shook, a few now staring at the floor as their visors widened.. A signal to be quiet.

"Are you even hearing yourselves right now?" He questioned, his breath coming out short and ragged.. As he looked at the ones around him; The ones he referred to as 'teammates', yet, they all had the brains the size of a peanut. Hell, maybe even smaller.

"It's HIM. Like I told you already."

His pointer finger immediately shifted over to the one accused of as 'imposter'.. Now, the one he accused just sat there, a blank look on his face as his fingers tapped against the table. However, his free hand came up to his visor, clasping against it as he lowered his head.. And a low, raspy and amused chuckle slid from his being.

"Ah, yeah.. Good one." Grey spoke, visible frustration in the glint of his visor. As he removed his hand, he shot a small glare over to the one that accused him. Oh, for fucks sake.. This guy. He really thought he knew everything, didn't he? Yet, Grey would give him credits— He was smart.. He had always been smart.

But Grey?

And the one he was paired up with right now?

They were much smarter.

"Oh, and what's so funny about this to you? You find pleasure in killing innocent crewmates, yeah? Just like the deranged psychopath you are.. Who else were you going to kill?" The crewmate questioned, his hands now by his sides, and clenched into fists.. Disgusting.. What an abomination.

Now, another crewmate spoke up.. Specifically the one beside the one whom was accusing Grey.

".. U-Um, don't you think we should—"

"Shut up."

And as immediately as they had begun speaking, they were shut down by the one accusing the said 'imposter'.

"No, no.. Let them talk! I'd love to hear, really.." Grey spoke, a small chuckle coming from him as he now rested his sore head against the table, almost unable to hide his deranged smirk, just by hearing the ones around him chattering and muttering.. God, they were all so.. Piteous. And it was hilarious to Grey.. Just like how he found the blood curdling screams of the one he was murdering earlier to be.. Absolutely hilarious. The way they begged for him to stop, as his knife stabbed right into their stomach, twisting and turning the blade until their organs were dysfunctional..

And now, he couldn't hold back that grin of his.. His body shook as he let out a chirp of laughter, his hands trembling as a bead of sweat dripped down his frame.. Finally, his gaze connected with the crewmate across from him..

"C'mon, let them talk.. Please..~" He chortled, as a purr flowed onto the edge of his sentence..

His accusers visor widened for a brief moment, taking the sight of the imposter mouth the one across him had gained.. But when he blinked? It was already gone— Another trick, perhaps? Maybe his mind wasn't.. Never mind. Grey was an imposter. He knew it.

- 𝐕𝐒 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐕𝟒 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 -Where stories live. Discover now