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I have always considered myself average. Average grades, average height, average friends. I was never special, never picked first, and never the favorite. I accepted this and decided it was my destiny. Funny thing is, you don't get to pick your destiny. If I did my life would have been a lot less complicated. I thought this to myself as pulled my navy cardigan over my stripped shirt. My backpack was waiting for me by the door as I grabbed a piece of burnt toast. Michael always tried to cook and always failed. He was my 'guardian' even though he was only three years older me. I sighed, as I always seemed to, and left for school. The bus stop was two blocks from our apartment, but the walking always killed me. I pulled out my phone with my ear buds and started to sift through my music. I had most genres, but I needed some show tunes because of the loud girls on the bus. Granted the boys weren't much better, flicking rubber bands at each other and anything else that moved. Strange creatures. I walked in the prison line of students and found a seat in the center to avoid the idiots(although aren't all 17 year olds?) I started playing Mr. Cellophane. It described me quite accurately; invisible. One time I out of class for a week and only one teacher noticed, that was after three days. A skittish freshman stumbled on to the bus with his bangs in his face. He was perfect popular material; clear skin, strong build, attractive features. He was smiling and obviously getting ready to talk to me. Oh god no.

"Hey, I'm Sam," he said smiling. Why was I scared of a freshmen? Why? Maybe it was humans. They are so complicated with all the feeling and emotions. It can get overwhelming to say the least.

"Oh why hello, my name is Castiel," I spoke calmly. Sam smiled gently, but was struck in the back of the head with a flying rubber band. Sam turned with a goofy smile and flung it back. He was already becoming friends with seniors. I mean I'm a senior to, but they were actual popular seniors. I quickly turned back to the window to avoid any more talking. Maybe this is why I was Mr. Cellophane, but I didn't exactly care. The next stop was Crowley's. Crowley was a normal friendly figure. He was obsessed with Abaddon, the president of student council. Not like a creepy stalker, but like a love sick puppy dog. Crowley sat in the seat behind me and leaned forward to talk to me.

"Doesn't he look like a moose? I'm going to call him Moose, oh Abaddon would love that. Don't you think?" Crowley asked scanning the bus for her even though she was never on. I made a slight noise of acknowledgement, but that was it. Next stop was Charlie's and she was the only decent one. She hopped on, as scheduled, listening to Walking on Sunshine.

"Howdy there, pardner,"she said sitting next to me. She was wearing a unicorn shirt with bright blue leggings and converse.

"Charlie, you seem, well enough," I responded dully. She eyed me curiously and poked my head. I couldn't help but smile.

"There ya go," she said cheerily. I liked her most because she would do all the talking or just sit in silence. The bus screeched to a halt in front of the school. I walked off the bus with Charlie and Crowley behind me. I spotted Dean's big black car across the parking lot. Charlie was skipping through the parking lot with the unusually sunny weather. I saw Dean running inside. Probably to bang Lisa in the closet. Even though human intercourse was perfectly natural, the thought of his bare skin and her grabbing him... it just bothered me for some reason. Perhaps it's because their offspring would have her scrawny legs.
I watched him race into the main building as I ambled to my locker. It was right next to Alastair's which caused me problems. I slinked over to it looking for any sign of him. Charlie kept skipping through the hallway to her locker on the other end. I started putting in my combination quickly until Alastair came next to me and slammed on my locker.
"Hey there Castiel, how's your sad unimportant life?" He sneered with two basketball goons standing loyally behind him. He always started the day with asking me a pointless question.
"I see. But where your wrong in that question is that if my life is as unimportant as you believe then my recognition of that would obviously be negative but, anyone could realize that and only an idiot would ask such a useless question," I responded in my usual way. He furrowed his brow and frowned.
"Shut up, you little bitch boy," he warned. I internally cringed.
"Right on it," I said shutting my locker and walking away with the books I needed. Of course this wasn't good enough for Alastair. He pinned me up against a locker lifting my feet slightly off the ground. I gasped a little for breath and looked off to the side. Great going Castiel. 

"Yeah," he said bobbing his head like an idiot. He laughed maliciously and kneed me in my private area. I moaned in pain.

"Don't talk ever again, bitch boy," Alastair said while turning around. I bend over in pain and sat against the lockers. I breath out heavily and slowly stand up next to my locker. Just another typical day. I hear the bell ring and slowly walk to my next class. I walk past the janitor's closet and I could swear I heard Dean yelling at someone. I shrugged it off and walked to first period English with Dean's rugged voice echoing in my head.

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