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 I watched the Winchester stumble to his locker and fall against it. He appeared to be suffering from some sort of pain. I awkwardly walked up to him.
  "Are you alright Dean?" I ask quizzically.
"Fan-freaking-tastic." he slams the back of his head against the locker and quietly groans.
"Perhaps I could help?" I offer unsure of what else to do.
"Listen, uh, Cas, you seem great, really, but I think history is waiting for you." he jabs back coolly. I cross my arms some what angry.
"I'm not just a useless tool Dean." I boldly say. His green eyes peer over at me and he cracks a smile. I can't believe I just said that to him. I feel my face erupt into color and meekly look down. He's going to beat my ass if he thinks... 

"Sorry. Sorry, I uh.. I didn't mean it like that." He shakes his head as he talks, obviously stressed. I tilt my head and watch him curiously. He was so different than everyone else for some reason; taller; stronger; woah Castiel, wait a minute. Remember what happened last time? I press my lips together and stare at his lips. Steady 'Cas'. 

"It's quite alright I suppose. Nothing new," I say back still staring at his lips.He gave me a strange sideward look. 

 "What do you mean nothing new?" he stared at me with what I assume was an authoritative glare. I quickly glance down and hold on to my other arm. He purses his lips and looks around cautiously. 

"I meant nothing by it. Sorry if I distressed you," I mumble mostly to myself. He grabbed my arm tightly.

"What do you mean, nothing new Cas?" His jade eyes stared intently into mine. My stomach raised with his tight grip. I could feel my eyes bulging a bit as my face slowly turned deep scarlet.

"It's merely that one gets used to constant, hassling," I say trying so hard to bottle all of my emotions. His eyes flickered.

"Look, I know I just met you and this sounds, well frankly, insane. But you obviously need a day off and I could use one myself; so come with me. Just for a few hours and then you'll be right back here. Promise," he said with a giant smile spread on his broad face. I felt my stomach doing flips and shyly returned the smile. His eyes glided over my hands and he swallowed as he lead us from the retched school to his big black impala. 

Dean sat in the drivers seat and murmured something to, what I'm assuming was to himself, as cleaned the leather. I slink into the front seat and he looks at me briefly.

"That's cool if you sit in the front," he says mostly to himself mockingly. 

"Where are we going?" I wonder out loud. He smiles but doesn't say anything. 

A good hour later we stop outside an abandoned car repair shop. I look over at him and he clenches his jaw. I fight the impulse to comfort him. 

"C'mon. No point in coming if we're just gonna sit around," he says opening his door. He comes over to my side and opens my door as well. "See chivalry isn't dead," he says smiling. He pales realizing what he just implied. "Uh, anyway, I want to show you around, a grand tour."

"I apologize, but this is not grand. You must be confused," I patiently inform him. He rolls his eyes, but chuckles. We walk through a yard of rusted bumpers with Dean's named carved in a few. Inside the small forsaken building with smashed windows he pulls out a record collection from a dusty crevasse. He pulls out a surprisingly even more dusty record player and I cough at the puff of what could potentially be fallen asbestus. I cover my mouth as Dean gives me a playful look. 

"Pick a record," he says nonchalantly strolling through the rest of the crumbling building. I go through it seeing mostly classic rock feeling disappointed. Underneath of the rest of them, a little battered, was a glorious album from the height of it's era. I take it out of it's case cautiously and blow off several layers of dust. I follow him into the building and find the record playing. The pin catches the record and "Twist and Shout" begins to play. Dean laughs from across the room and looks at me. 

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