Cas swings his body back and forth as I watch him intently from across the room. I involuntarily smile and walk over to him.

"You need to work on the swing of your hips," I say leaning against a seriously dusty pile of records. He stops and looks at me furrowing his brow. It made me smile.

"How do I do that Dean?" he says smiling even more than me with a fresh rose color on his cheeks.         I walk closer to him and watch him try to stick his hips out in futile efforts. I stand in front of him and do a slight shimmy and he laughs ridiculously hard. 

"So Mr. School can laugh," I say dancing in front of him. He copies my shimmy and rolls his eyes.

"Dean, I have to be good at something. You can always fall back on a dancing career," he says laughing some more.

With a salvo of confidence I place my hands on his hips and move them with mine, smiling and biting my lip. He blushes profusely and holds arms across his chest. I feel my own face ignite with color choke down my wanting to hum. The record stops playing for a quick second and I release my hold on him; what was I doing? I look at him and see a smile engulfing his entire face. The record plays a new song; Elvis. 

"I love Elvis," he says sheepishly through a smile. I turn over to face him and mouth along to the lyrics over dramatically.

Wise men say, only fooIs rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you .

He blushes more and I do the same. I realize the lyrics and stand taller to make myself more masculine. 

"Anyway, I can dig Elvis," I smirk. He twists over to me and I relax a little. I come even closer making the space between us disappear. I touch his chin and hold it lightly in my grasp. His lips beckon me to indulge and I try so damn hard to refuse. 

"Dean," he whispers breathily. I press my body up to his and arch my back. My brain loses command as I act on lust. I slowly pull his face closer to mind. I tilt my head and he does the same as our lips crash together, fitting like puzzle pieces. I grab his hair hungrily as he wraps his hands around my neck. Sparks fire off in my head and I feel dizzy and nervous all at once. What was I doing? It didn't matter that it felt right. No. No. I pull away and turn from his face. I had made a mistake. John would- I could never... My mind swirled crazily as I stared into a broken mirror watching Cas in the background covering him mouth with his sweater. He froze in his place and put his face in his hands. Probably trying to forget the shit I had just pulled. I wanted to pull him into and embrace and hold onto him.

"Um, we, uh, should get going," I press out, not turning to face him. He looks behind him and nods gently. The record goes to stale air as we both wait for the other to decide something. Without looking at him I rip open the door and walk out just a little to fast.

We both sit in the impala as I shove the key in. I wait patiently as the engine makes fruitless attempts to turn over. Cas opens his mouth and then shuts it a couple of times before deciding on what to say.

"Maybe if you let the engine sit-" he attempts.

"I know how the god damn car works," I yell back at him. His  face crumples and I pound the steering wheel out of rage. He looks out the window and  I feel a lump growing in my throat. The silence cuts into me as I watch him sitting like a wounded animal. I didn't want to cause him anymore pain.

"Listen, Cas," I didn't know what to say but it broke me to see him in pain.

"No," he roared out. "No you do not get to take me away from school and take me here and act all sweet and sexy and then just yell at me when your car doesn't fucking work," I sit there stunned with my mouth agape. "And you know what? It was your idea to take me here," he rambles on angrily. "You could use a day off my ass," he snorts.

"I'm sorry," I say back weakly, "I really am," I try to make eye contact with him and a small smile creeps on to his face. "I didn't know you had that in you," I say laughing a bit.

"Dean," he whines, "I'm trying to be serious," he laughs.

"But you're so adorable when you're all angry," I say smiling and leaning over to him. His beautiful blue eyes look at me caringly as a red color creeps on to his cheeks. I felt so safe and secure like I could live in this moment forever; just me and Cas.

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