suna's fears (18+)

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Synopsis: Suna has a nightmare about what will happen after Seyran's interview and Piril & Kaya getting close (based on ep. 53 fragman) which leads her to believe Kaya will divorce her & she'll be kicked out of the house by Halis. When she wakes up, Kaya comforts her.

A/N: i realized they've only been married for like a week or something in the show but just imagine it's been longer & they're comfortable touching one another please. i hope this isn't OOC for both Kaya and Suna bc i don't even watch the show LOL (found about KaySun on twt) so apologies for any inaccurate subplots and characterizations!


Suna unconsciously shifted in her sleep, wincing at the images conjured in her mind. Seyran telling her story and insulting the Korhans, Piril and Kaya being close to one another—Kaya pinching Piril's cheek. From all of this, she could only imagine herself being ousted out of the mansion. Halis was already disturbed by Seyran's presence and the interview built more hostility against her sister in their hearts. From the way Seyran narrated the story, Halis probably thought Suna agreed and was in on the entire thing.

But that's not true! Suna wanted to yell. She didn't share the same thoughts her sister did—or at least that's what she wanted the Korhans to believe. She wanted revenge and she would get that but not before she was thrown out of the house and left at her father's mercy. She was as good as dead if that's what Halis decided to do.

And Kaya...Kaya wouldn't even be there to stop it. In fact, he seemed closer to Piril and Pelin. Despite what Pelin has said and done to Suna and her sister, he still behaves friendly with them. And the sad part is...if Kaya left her for another woman, Suna probably wouldn't put up much of a fight. The words he used to describe her were still etched in her mind: worthless, pitiful. No matter how many times Kaya tried to rectify his mistake, she always knew his words were true in some sense. Because who would love a girl when her own father doesn't love her?

In her mind, it appeared as if the images of her near future circled around her, taunting her of her impending loss. She squeezed her eyes shut as she laid in bed, but the visions wouldn't go away. Instead, they made more noise—Pelin's smirk, Piril's cunning smile, Halis's disapproving glare towards Suna, and Kaya's back as he turned away from her. She was losing her life in front of her own eyes. She was losing—no!

She woke up with a start and sat upright, taking deep breaths as she tried to calm her racing heartbeat. She glanced over to her right and noticed Kaya was still asleep, with his back towards her. Her throat clogged up with emotions as she remembered the interaction between her husband and Piril. It could've been nothing like Kaya told her after she confronted him. But the story Piril told her afterwards, especially about the history her and Kaya had made Suna think otherwise.

Suna tried to trust her husband, but he'd already broken her trust once with fake declarations of love. What was stopping him from hiding the truth from her again? Besides, she doesn't blame him for thinking this way—especially when he has someone like Piril.

He doesn't need me, Suna thought. Her breaths became shorter as she jumped to conclusions on what her reality—what Kaya's reality was. Her hands were clammy and tears welled up in her eyes as she began to panic. She needed to calm down before Kaya woke up from hearing her distress, she told herself. Water. I need water.

Suna frantically felt around in the dark for the glass of water she always kept on her bedside table. She reached for it once her fingers brushed against the cool glass, greedily drinking some before leaning to put it back on the nightstand.

"Suna? Are you okay?" Kaya mumbled in a sleepy voice and turned to look at his wife's shadowy figure with squinted eyes.

Startled by Kaya's voice, Suna's hand slipped and the glass cup came crashing to the floor. She jumped at the noise before rushing out of bed to clean up the shards of glass.

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