suna's jealousy

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Synopsis: Suna visits Kaya for lunch but sees him with Pelin and gets jealous.


Suna entered the Korhans's office with a bag of food from Kaya's favorite restaurant. She reached the front desk and told them about her arrival. 

This entire week had been a train wreck for Suna and now that her husband was no longer ignoring her, she wanted to do her best to maintain their civil relationship. After their conversation on the stairs, when Kaya realized Suna was spending time with Ferit because of Seyran, he acted remorseful and apologetic. Though his accusations had hurt Suna, she knew she had to be forgiving if she wanted this marriage to last. While she was influenced by the fortune teller's wicked thoughts, she couldn't tell Kaya this just yet. He had finally started talking to her again after days—she wouldn't ruin their chance before it even started.

The receptionist looked up at Suna and back down at the monitor in front of her. "Suna Hanim, Kaya Bey is busy now. I can leave a message for him though?"

Suna furrowed her brows. It was 1 PM, the designated lunch time for most employees. It was unusual for Kaya to usually have meetings at this time. "He's in a meeting?"

"Yes, he has an appointment at this time. And is busy for the rest of the day. I can leave a message for him if you'd like or schedule an appointment for you for sometime later this week," the woman said.

Suna chewed on her bottom lip. She didn't want to interrupt any meeting of is but she was almost certain he never had meetings at this time. In fact, just two days ago they'd gone on their promised dinner date during which Suna had teased the idea of them having lunch together in his office. And, he'd clearly told her she was welcome to come. Had she misinterpreted his words?

"Are you sure?" Suna asked again, afraid of annoying the woman. "It's just that he told me to come at this time and I have his lunch—"

"Oh! You're the delivery person, I'm so sorry! Though, you look too beautiful to be one," the young receptionist said and winked. "Feel free to give me that and I'll pass it over to Kaya Bey."

Suna glanced down at her outfit—a blue blouse and black skirt. She internally scoffed. Did she look like a delivery woman? Suna is about to respond when another person rushed up to the receptionist, panicking about something Suna couldn't understand.

"Sorry, if you'll just give me a moment," the receptionist said to Suna before being led away by the panicked employee.

Suna glanced at the time on her phone and saw it was already fifteen minutes past one o'clock. Perhaps she should've texted him before arriving but she wanted to surprise him! Even now if she texted him, he probably wouldn't respond in time due to being in a meeting. If anything, she'd just drop the food off in his office and leave. Yes, I'll do that. Anyways, meetings are usually conducted in conference rooms, so his cabin will be empty, Suna thought to herself.

Looking around to make sure the receptionist wasn't around, Suna made her way towards Kaya's cabin. But when she pushed open the door, expecting an empty room, she found her husband and Pelin sitting side by side. Kaya was holding Pelin's hands and the two were smiling at each other. 

Suna felt sick to her stomach as she looked at the two of them. Maybe she had misinterpreted Kaya's words. And besides, just because he used to love her, didn't mean he loved her now. And even though he said he'd never want her to be alone, he didn't have to treat their marriage as more than a formality. But here Suna was, like a idiot, bringing lunch for him as if she was a loving wife.

And of all people, Pelin. Sure, she was his childhood friend. But did he not care about the chaos she'd unleashed against Suna and her family? Seyran's marriage broke due to Pelin and her lies. She'd come into the Korhan house with such arrogance, spit cruel things at Seyran and Suna, and lied about carrying the Korhan heir. Because of her, so much distress was caused. And yet, she cried a few tears and trapped Kaya by her side.

Stupid, Suna cursed herself for coming here. Tears prickled the corner of her eyes as she abruptly turned around, ready to leave before they noticed her. But the shuffling of her movements caused her to stumble into the cabinet beside her. She glanced up to see Kaya and Pelin's attention now shifted to her.

"Suna?" Kaya said, moving away from Pelin and standing up. "What are you doing here?"

Suna frowned at the question. He asked the question as if she didn't have a right to be here, but Pelin did. She placed the bag of food on the nearest surface and said, "I had brought lunch for us but I see I'm interrupting something. I'll get going."

Maybe it was her tone or the way her facial features had hardened, but Kaya immediately knew that his wife was angry. However the reason for her behavior was unknown to him. "Suna! Wait," he called out and followed her. He lightly grabbed her arm and spun her back around to face him. "Wait a moment, where are you going? Weren't you going to stay for lunch?"

Suna looked past Kaya and glared at the woman still sitting on the couch in the middle of the room. "I was because I thought you were alone, but you have company. I'd rather not interfere."

Kaya narrowed his eyes, confused by the conclusions Suna was jumping to. "Suna, what are you—never mind. Pelin just came by the visit and talk about Serter. There is nothing more that you would be interfering in."

Suna scoffed. "As if I'm blind and didn't see the way you two were holding each others hands and glued to each others sides."

"Are you serious right now?" he harshly whispered.

Suna now shifted her glare towards Kaya. "I refuse to have the same fate as my sister, Kaya. That woman destroyed my sister's married life and it backfired on her. Now she's come running to you, another way to enter the Korhan house. She—"

"Korhan, Korhan, Korhan! It's like you're obsessed with the name, not her," Kaya whisper-yelled, fed up with the accusations.

Suna gasped in disbelief. "Are you taking her side right now?"

Kaya pinched the bridge of his nose before caressing her upper arms. "Of course not. I'm not taking anyone's sides, Suna. I'm just telling you what I see."

"And, I'm telling you what I see, Kaya. If she comes in between us, I will not tolerate it like my sister did. If I see her fish-eyed gaze on you again, I will rip all the hair off her head. Tell her that," Suna retorted.

"Suna, calm down. You're behaving irrationally. Pelin is a friend."

"What, so I'm crazy now to you? Just because I want to spend time with my husband?"

Kaya gaped at her response. "I never said that."

Suna ignored his words and stepped closer to him. She pressed her index finger against his chest and said, "You are my husband. If that fish-brained woman doesn't understand that, then I'll make her understand it. And if you better understand that too."

"Why? Weren't you going to divorce me a few days ago?" he asked pettily.

It was then that she realized her fears seemed to be becoming truer as they spoke. So, Suna hesitantly asked, "Is that why you agreed immediately when I proposed it? Because of Pelin?" 

Kaya barked out a humorless laugh. "This is ridiculous," he muttered under his breath.

Suna raised her eyebrows at his words. "This is ridiculous to you?" she questioned him, incredulous.

Oblivious of their argument, Pelin was busy unboxing all the food from the takeout bag. "Kaya! Come—it's our favorites! Ya, Sunacım, you know, I was feeling so sad. But this cheered me up, thank you."

Suna took a deep breath and ripped her arms out of Kaya's grasp. "Enjoy your meal," she spat out before turning on her heel and exiting the room.

much shorter fic than usual but hopefully it was still a fun read!

please like and comment if you enjoyed :)

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