insecurities (18+)

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Synopsis: Kaya is insecure about Suna's feelings for him. Based on ep. 59, "Are you going to take your husband's side or Ferit's side, Suna? Make a decision!"

A/N: per usual, I'm surviving on Twitter updates and KaySun clips so this fic may deviate from canon and there may be inaccuracies with the episodes' sequence of events.


Suna paced back and forth in their bedroom, waiting for Kaya to return. After his argument with Ferit, he had stormed off to what Suna assumed was their room only to not find him there when she attempted to follow him. 

Her husband hadn't been acting himself lately and she was worried. He started to come home later than usual from work and got into more altercations with Ferit, sometimes over the most minute things. More than that, he was distancing himself from her—which was what she hated more than anything else. They weren't frequently physically intimate, sometimes she'd ignore his advances, because of the blossomed hope that'd be crushed every time the reality of their marriage hit her the following morning. But she did like her husband's presence—his presence gave her the level of comfort she had never received from anyone else.

Suna glanced at the clock in their room and noticed it was way past dinner time. It was likely that everyone had already retired to their rooms for the night as well. Yet, Kaya still had not returned. Suna was getting anxious as the minutes passed by waiting for her husband. When she figured he wouldn't be returning anytime soon, she decided to seek him out herself.

She ended up scouring the entire mansion for him before she found him in the balcony, standing against the railing, looking at the sea. She approached him from behind, her linen pajamas and slippers doing nothing to protect her from the chilly night. Kaya was still in his clothes from earlier that evening except now he donned a long wool coat as he stood out in the cold.

"Kaya?" Suna said and placed her hand on his shoulder to draw his attention away from the water.

He turned his head to see her concerned expression and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"That's what I should be asking you," she replied instead. "Come, let's go inside. You'll freeze out here."

Kaya scoffed. "As if that would worry you. You should be checking on Ferit instead of me since you consider him to be your—"

"Kaya!" Suna warned, her eyes wide at the words that were about to slip out of Kaya's mouth.

He turned towards her, the action pushing her hand off his back. "What, Suna? Am I wrong? Do you not care for Ferit more than you care for me?" he asked.

Suna narrowed her eyes at the underlying meaning of his words. Here she was worried about him and he had the gall to assume she was cheating on him. "Are you really insinuating—seriously?! You're my husband, Kaya! Ferit is my sister's husband. He is in a vulnerable state right now and needs support."

"And me? Did you not see what happened at dinner tonight?" Kaya bellowed, incredulous of the way she was acting.

"Whatever happened at dinner today was not right. But your irritation goes past that. Tell me, what's upsetting you? You can't possibly be jealous of Ferit, someone who I would never consider a relationship with."

Kaya swallowed the lump in his throat before he said his next words. "I find that hard to believe."

Suna raised her hands to either side of her temple and took a deep breath. "Kaya, listen, we're married. I married you. I'm your wife. When it comes to you and Ferit, I'm on your side. Understood?" Suna said fiercely.

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