a not-so-happy ending

791 19 15

Synopsis: Suna hears Kaya cheated on her and makes a decision.

TW: attempted suicide, panic attacks


It has been two weeks since Suna confessed her love for her husband. It has been one week since she'd told him she wanted to try for a child together. It has been five days since Kaya rejected her advances and became more distant. It has been two days since Kaya said he wanted a divorce and gave her a copy of signed papers. And, it has only been two hours since Suna learned that her husband preferred to find comfort in the arms of another woman.

Pelin's words still echoed in Suna's mind, driving the woman crazy till she chose the only method of peace. Even while sitting on the bathroom floor, Suna could hear Pelin's arrogant voice, narrating how Kaya had shared his marriage problems with her and spent the night in her bed two weeks ago. He'd disregarded his aversion towards alcohol and chose to drink with that woman, have sex with that woman immediately after he confessed that he loved Suna. 

When Pelin had first uttered the instance of that night, Suna didn't believe it. Her husband would never act in such a way. Despite them not sharing a true husband-and-wife relationship, he still would respect her enough to not cheat on her. More than respect, he claimed he loved her. It surely couldn't have just been another lie to get her to excuse his violent behavior from the previous night.

But, Suna didn't know what to believe. If Kaya really loved her and didn't spend the night with Pelin, why would he reject Suna's advances?  Why would he serve her divorce papers and act as if he was even disgusted by the thought of her continuing to be his wife? Was one night with Pelin enough for him to realize he wanted another woman more than his own wife?

This morning Pelin had come to the mansion, saying Kaya invited her, and they had plans to go out for a meal. Suna, confused at the nature of the situation, had assumed they would be hanging out as friends. But the more Pelin had spoke, the more Suna's faith wavered. 


two hours ago

"How are you two doing by the way?" Pelin said after announcing the purpose of her arrival.

"What do you mean?" Suna asked, confused by the question. Do others know that the divorce papers were already prepared?

"You and Kaya. I can only imagine how much worse it must've gotten recently."

Suna raised at eyebrow at the sarcastic tone. Even though the divorce papers were sitting in her room with Kaya's signature on it, she wouldn't let this woman know that. "We are fine," Suna simply said.

"Really? I'm glad," Pelin cooed. "It's surprising how fate works though. First Seyran, now you."

Suna narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

Pelin blinked back in surprise. "I thought you—wow, you don't know." Pelin barked out a laugh.

"Is there something I should know, Pelincım?" Suna asked with mock sweetness, tired of the theatrics Pelin was presenting today. This entire week had been exhausting for her and it was just her luck that she'd run into Pelin when she was returning to her room.

"Of course, it concerns your husband, Sunacım. You know, you should pay more attention to your husband. Otherwise, he may find interest in others. After all, he is a man."

Suna took a threatening step forward. "Is that how you talk about your friend behind his back? By suggesting the possibility of him cheating? Is that how lowly you think of others? Not everyone is like you, Pelin, desperate for just one night."

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