Chapter Two

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When I got to the raptor cage Barry let me in and I gave him his coffee.

"Thanks kid, I needed this, I'm having a rough day."

"How are you already having a rough day? It's so early!" I replied with a laugh.

"Well you know that jerk Hoskins? Well, he wants to take our raptors out of here and use them as a weapon like-"

Suddenly Barry and I heard a scream coming from inside the raptor cage. Barry ran down the steps and I followed after him quickly, not before I gently placed Owens coffee down in case he still wanted it.

When we got to the bottom of the steps the first thing I saw was Owen.

Owen inside the raptor cage that is.

He was rescuing some new guy who was now safe but Owen still had to get out of there before he becomes raptor brunch.

The gate was still open so I bolted for it and made it inside the arena before Barry could stop me.

Before I knew it I was back to back with my brother yelling at Blue to stand down.

Owen was yelling at Delta to back up and take it easy.

We just about had all four raptors calm but I wasn't planning on staying in there any longer.

"Close the gate!" Owen yelled at Barry.

"Are you crazy?!" Barry yelled back.

"Do it!" I screamed.

Owen and I then slowly backed up towards the gate and then right before it closed we both rolled under it and were safe.

We've had that drill organised just in case one of us ended up in the cage. I guess we never thought it would be both of us, it's funny how things turn out.

As soon as I stood up I laughed with relief.

Owen was already standing up.
He did not look happy.

"Dani I can't believe you just did that! How could you be so stupid!"

"Hey I was helping you! Those raptors trust me too you know, especially Blue! I just didn't want you to get hurt!" I shouted with tears in my eyes.

Owen's facial expression softened. He walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hey it's okay, but I'm the one who is supposed to protect you from getting hurt, after all I am the responsible adult."

"You're an adult?" I said with a smirk.

Owen smiled and put his arm around my shoulders.

After the raptor incident and Grady sibling emotional time, Owen and I went back to our bungalow to relax.

After all it is my day off.

I was inside getting a glass of water when I heard a car pull up. I went over to the window to see who it was when Crazy Clai- I mean Claire stepped out of the car.

"Oh god what did we do" I muttered to myself while analysing every bad thing Owen or I have ever done that might affect Claire.

When I stepped outside the first thing I heard was Owen say:

"Why do you keep calling me Mr Grady?"

I laughed and they both turned and looked at me. Awkward.

"Hi Miss Grady, how are you today?"

Before I could even reply to Claire's greeting and question Owen chipped in with:

"You don't have to call her Miss Grady she's like 12"

Dorks // Zach MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now