V. Breaking Habits

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                                 𝔖𝔖𝔖𝔖                                 Rawad

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You know that saying,

That there's no order without chaos and vice versa.

I've never really put my mind to it as it wouldn't happen to me, but I'm afraid it has or will.

I don't break habits.

Never have and never will.

Nor do I break promises, there's never been any reason to. Not when I made those promises to myself and my principles.

But here I am, faced by my future, the woman I'm getting married to soon, my eyes briefly pass her, I see only half of her face, the rest covered by a black face mask, her eyes, dark irises that tell no tales yet filled with secrets, her full eyelashes making her eyes look darker and mysterious, I don't like that I don't know what she's thinking. And worse, I broke a habit by looking at a woman that's not mine to look at for more than a second, I did two.

I look at her attire and she's still clad in her hospital uniform, telling me that she came straight from her work place without even going home first, I say the first thing that comes into my mind,

"What brings you here?"

She narrows her eyes a little before taking them back up, not giving me a hint of what's going on in her head. She doesn't make any move from where she stands, in the middle of my office.

I don't look at her but I feel her eyes on me, I sense movements so I look, she turns around putting her bag on the black leather couch in the middle of the office, she moves to the end of the room then she bends down, I furrow my brows not understanding the hell she was doing—both here and now.

She opens the drawers and starts searching for God knows what, just when I was about to say something, she brings out a cup, she walks up to the water dispenser and fills her glass before sitting down on the couch, she leans back down drinking all the water from the cup, I cringed when I had to force myself to look away from the way her lips were pressed against the glass.

I don't know if I'm annoyed or amused by her audacity, but I know for sure I don't like how she's touching my things and invading my space.

"I don't remember telling you to take a seat-" -sweetheart, I hold my tongue not allowing the endearment to slip out, even though it was meant to be taunting. My eyes follow the now empty cup placed on the center table.

"You!" She says coldly yet so low if the place was not quiet I wouldn't have heard her.

"Me." I reply mockingly.

"I told you that we shouldn't get married" so this is what it's all about.

"Mhm" I hum.

She turns now facing me fully but I don't let my eyes stay on her, but I could feel her boring holes in my head.

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