Because I liked a boy

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Teen Michael x Male reader (angst? Idk what this is)

Simon = Chica mask

Mark = Bonnie mask

Fredrick/fred = Freddy mask


Gay people.

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Me and the guys were walking through the halls looking for Mike. "Should we ask someone if they've seen him?" Simon asked as Mark nodded and turned to a random girl in the hall. "Hey, have you seen Michael?" he asked. The girl stayed quiet, staring at him and blushing. "Oh my fucking god... Yes or no? I don't have time for this shit" he said, getting irritated, the girl shook out of her trance, "Uh, S-Sorry! Yeah... I saw him talking to Tif by the locker rooms after P.E." she said. Mark nodded and led the way. 

We came into view of Michael and Tif in front of the locker rooms, they were kissing. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as the others cheered him on, "Get it, Mike!" Fredrick laughed, and Michael rolled his eyes playfully. His playful look soon turned into a worried one when he looked at me and noticed I saw the kiss. 


The rest of the day between Mike and I was quiet until we walked home. 

"Can we go to your house?.." he asked, my parents were never really home, so we spend most of the time at my place, we've thrown a bunch of parties there too. "Oh, I have a better idea! Why don't you hang out with Tif and I go to my house" I laughed with an annoyed tone. "Dude, don't be like that" he scoffed, "like what? At least I'm not the one who's embarrassed of-" Michael quickly covered my mouth. "Shut the fuck up..." he said in a demanding voice as I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand away. 

We were just about to pass my house, "Fine, if you wanna be like that, then fuck you" Michael said angrily, attempting to walk away before I grabbed the handle of his bag, yanking him back and pulling him inside. 

"What?! What the fuck do you want to say?!" I yell, pushing him back. Michael grabbed my shirt and pulled me in close, kissing me, "Can you shut up?" he asked, pulling away and looking me dead in the eyes. I pushed him off, flustered, but still annoyed. "Look, I get you're mad about Tif, but you gotta understand why I did it, right? You've kissed girls before too! You're well-liked at school and so am I, but if everyone knew about... Us... What do you think would happen? Hm? You think everyone's gonna be fine with it?" he asked, pushing me against the door and furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Out" I sighed, "what?..." he asked, "Get out, I'm done with the conversation" He walked out, standing at the doorway, "Whatever this is that we have going on, y/n, it's done, got that?" I didn't respond. I slammed the door in his face.


The next morning I walk into school and see Tif and Michael kissing next to my closer, I scoff and roll my eyes, opening it up and putting my stuff in there. As I'm walking, Michael attempts to trip me, but I kick him in the leg as he winces in pain. "Hey, watch it, man!" He huffs, but I ignore him. 

The bell rings and we head to class. 30 minutes in, I've had 4 papers thrown at me, all from Michael. A 5th one is thrown at me and instead of ignoring it and going on with class, I get up and leave. "Mr l/n, get back here!" the teacher yells, "Fuck you!" I yell back, not even caring at that point. I wanted detention. If I got detention, I wouldn't have to see Michael on the walk home. 

During the passing period, I received multiple shoves from Michael before grabbing his wrist pushing him into the bathroom, and shoving him up against the door. "Ow..." Michael groaned as he was slammed into the door. "What the fuck do you want?! You ended shit with me! So why do you keep messing with me?! I thought we were friends, Mike" I said, looking him dead in the eyes. Michael leaned in close, "I wouldn't be friends with someone like you

like me? What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?!

Michael shoves me off and walks out of the bathroom. I wait a few minutes before leaving.

Lunch comes around and I head to my table and sit down with the rest of the guys. Something seems different. They seem quieter, and... They're not even talking to me. "Sure you wanna sit here?" Mike asked as the other guys eyed me, giving me dirty looks. "What?" I asked, "I mean... What if you try something, like... You know" he told them. He told them, but not the full story. 

I laugh, "Okay... Okay, I see" I get up out of my seat and head to the stage in the cafeteria, I turn on the mic and watch as Michael watches me, his eyes widening with worry. 

"You know, there's some things you've just got to know about Michael Afton..." I announced as everyone in the spacious room looked at me, giving me their attention. "He loves to make fun of people for being different, yet-" 

"Y/n!" He yelled, running up on stage, I just put my hand up to shush him. 

"Yet, he's into guys! You heard it, everyone, Michael Afton is into men, what a shocker, am I right? He's gay, how do I know? Maybe it's because he kissed me, while completely sober at his girlfriend's party!" I said, putting the mic down and turning to look at Michael, who's dead silent. Everyone else stays quiet. 

I push and shove Michael, wanting to get a reaction. "What now, huh?! This what you wanted?!" I asked angrily, edging closer to him. His eyes water, his face turned red out of embarrassment,  and he furrows his eyebrows, charging at me and shoving me to the floor, I grab him by the shirt, pulling him down with me. He towers over me, hitting me over and over. Eventually, I'm able to flip him over and take charge, being able to hit him back. He tries to grab my throat but I grab his shoulders, bringing him up, and slamming him back down. 

He flips me over, getting up, and kicking me in the side repeatedly. I grab his leg and pull him down, making him stumble and fall on his back. I punch him again, hearing "Hey!" from a teacher yelling at us in the distance. I don't listen, we keep hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, anything that would hurt one another. 

We keep going til we're torn apart by two teachers. "Principle's office, now!" we were ordered, when we got off the stage there was laughing heard from everyone. We walked to the principal's office while being escorted by an aid, "This is your fault..." he whispered to me. "My fault? You were the one spreading rumors about me!" I whispered back to him, loud enough for the aid to tell us to shut up. "I said that because people were already catching on about us! You know what my dad would do if he found out..." Of course. It's only about him! "So just throw me under the bus, why don't you? I have a girlfriend, Michael, and so do you, dude." I whispered as he stayed quiet the rest of the way. 

"Boy's... I really don't have time for this, what's the problem?" Mr. Lentweather asked with an annoyed tone. "Michael's a fa-" before I finish my sentence I get kicked in the leg from under the desk. "There's no problem, it was just a little roughhousing!" Michael laughed, "Get out..." Mr. Lentweather groaned as Michael and I nodded and left. We stood outside the principal's office as Michael punched me in the arm. "You're so fucking annoying..." Michael mumbled, "My place or yours, pal?" I asked with a smug grin.

Michael looked at me, his face red with a frustrated look. "Go fuck yourself..." he chuckled as I looked around and grabbed his hand, leading him to the bathroom to skip the next period.


1370 words

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