Ruined plans

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Requested by @JustADreamer2009 

(teen) Jeremy Fitzgerald x Fem Reader (not smut but is a little spicy ig??)


You're Michael's girlfriend, you guys fought, and you went to complain to your friend, Jeremy. Although Michael and Jeremy were good childhood friends, he despised you talking to him, along with their other friends in the group. Michael never liked how flirty you and Jeremy were.
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"Y/n, don't be like that" Michael laughed with a scoff, "like what? Don't I get to be mad if my boyfriend is being a shitty person?" I said, rolling my eyes and turning away from him. "Shitty person? Hah! Okay, since I'm such a bad guy, why don't we talk about you and Jeremy?" he laughs, making me snap around to face him, showing an angered expression. "For fucksake! What is there to talk about?! You've been jealous of him ever since Jeremy and I became friends! Do you have a crush on him or something?!" I mocked.

Michael became angry at my comment, shoving me against his bedroom door, making me let out a yelp. "Fuck... Look, y/n, I'm sorry, I-" I cut him off by giving him a hard punch in the nose, making him stumble back and fall. "Put your hands on me again, Michael..." I say, furrowing my eyebrows and looking down at him. He rolls his eyes as I push him back and turn around, opening the door, and leaving the room. 

I smile as I get a good idea. I head towards the front door, leaving, and walking next door to Jeremy's house. I knock on the door and a Tall dirty blonde opens it, causing me to smile. "Y/n? What's up? Everything alright with you and Mike?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. My smile fades, "Why wouldn't it be?" I scoff, looking at the floor. "I heard you guys fighting..." he said, giving me a sympathetic look. "I just don't get it! He flirts with other girls all the time, yet if I just talk to another guy, I'm the one in the wrong, are you serious?! And all he ever wants to do is be sexual, like don't get me wrong! I'm all into that, but come on! If all you want is sex, at least be good at it! I'd expect him to know what he's doing since he's been with so many girls..." I complained. 

Jeremy smiled softly, "You know... You shouldn't be with a guy like that, you should be with someone who treats you well, and someone who could satisfy you... In more way that one." he said, leaning against the door frame, lifting my chin to look up at him. 

He smirks and grabs my hand, pulling me inside as I let out a small giggle. "So, if I shouldn't be with Michael... Who should I be with?" I ask, sending Jeremy a seductive look as he lets out a small chuckle. "That's your decision, not mine" he laughed, leaning against the back of the couch in the living room. "Well... What if I found the answer?" I ask, walking towards him and kissing his jaw. "Then I'd say you chose correctly.." he laughs and rests his hands on my hips before leaning into kiss me. 

I pull away, having a guilty conscience. Jeremy groans in annoyance, "if you're having second thoughts then go" he says, pulling away from me and rolling his eyes.

 "I like you but..."

"No buts. If you liked me, you wouldn't be thinking of him right now and feeling bad. You've gotta pick, y/n. You cant have both" he says with a frustrated tone, I sigh and grab his hand, squeezing it slightly. "Good choice" he smirks, pulling me back in for another kiss. 

I know I shouldn't be doing this... it feels so wrong but so right. 

Jeremy picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist as he caries me upstairs to his room, shutting the door behind us and plopping me down on the bed. He gets on top of me, kissing my lips before trailing down to my neck. He nibble and sucks it slowly, making me let out a small quiet moan. He chuckled and continued, moving his hand up my shirt slowly. 

He grabs my shirt and pulls it over my head, tossing it to the floor. He smirks and looks down at my chest. I giggle and reach behind my back, unclipping my bra. Before it falls off my chest to reveal myself, the doorbell rings. Jeremy groans and gets up, I put my shirt on and peak my head out of the room as he goes to the front door. He opens it, mumbling things to himself. "Wanna hang out?" Its Michael, I yelp quietly and pull myself back in the room. 

"What was that?" Michael asked, "N-Nothing!" Jeremy answered quickly. "Uhm... Wanna hang out?" Jeremy said hesitated to answer, "Sure! Let me get my shoes on..." Michael laughs at him, "No dude, let's just hang out here, I've got an amazing prank to discuss" Michael says, walking in. I hear footsteps. I panic and run towards the closet, shutting the door of it behind me. 

They walk in the room, "W-Why can't we talk about it at your house?" Jeremy asks. Michael scoffs, "Because Liz is home, the fucking brat... We're gonna prank my brother at his party, and if she hears us talking about it, she'll go running to 'daddy'" he laughs, clearly mocking Elizabeth. I peak through a small hole in the door. "Woah, dude, whose is this?" Michael laughs, picking up my bra that I left on Jeremy's floor. 

I cover my mouth and widen my eyes as my face turns a bright red of embarrassment. "Wait... This looks like y/n's..." Michaels smirk disappeared, "It's not what you think! It... It's Valeria's!" Jeremy lied, causing Michael's smirk to reappear. "I knew you guys were hooking up but i thought you only did it at her house?" I tried to keep my attention to them but I saw a spider in the closet. I scream loud, slapping a hand on my mouth to shut myself up. Michael got up and came to the closet, opening it, and seeing his girlfriend curled up in the corner. 

Michael furrows his eyebrows, his expression changing into an angry one. He turns around and looks over at Jeremy. Jeremy's eyes widen, "Uhh... S-Shit, haha! I... Uhm... Forgot I have to go pick something up from the store for my mom!" I gasp, feeling betrayed. "Screw you, assho-" Michael turns back and looks down at me, "Shut the fuck up..." he says in a demanding voice, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me out of the house and into his. He pulls me up to his room and pushes me in. 

"What the fuck?!" Before I can say something, the doorbell rings "I should-" I try to escape by going to see who it is but Michael cuts me off. "Elizabeth, go get the fucking door!" He yells to her, giving his attention back to me. "What was that back there?!" He yells, walking closer to me, I take a step back, falling back onto his bed. "Nothing happened! I changed my mind about it! I told him something but he didn't wanna listen!" That's... partially true. Which is good enough, right?

Liz came to the Michael's door, opening it without knocking, she had a smug expression on her face. "Jeremy says y/n forgot this at his house" she laughed, holding up my bra by the strap. 


How am I gonna defend my case now?

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Word count: 1319

I didn't know whether or not to make this a smut, but I feel like I already have too much, and I don't want this book to just have smut bc Ik some ppl don't like that stuff

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