Chapter 11. Interruptions

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If there are some mistakes, please let me know. I've been editing this for too long and my brain is numb lol.

Enjoy :)


"All right, Lloyd. Go ahead."

Lloyd, who was having his tenth writing lesson in the room he had renamed "The Torture Chamber", nodded at Wu in defeat. He leaned down and placed the tip of his pencil on the paper hesitantly. He had the dreaded blackboard in front of him again, this time with short words on it. 

"Don't feel nervous. This is nothing too serious," Wu said.

Lloyd hummed and started to copy down the words, clumsy as ever. He had gotten a grip of the basics of writing letters, but somehow his hand coordination was still missing. It was almost non-existent.

And that was why the word 'house' ended up looking like mountain scenery.

Lloyd sighed and dropped his pencil like a microphone to make a statement. He then let himself fall backwards to lie on the tatami floor, which seemed to amuse his uncle rather than annoy him.

"Just like Garm…" Wu muttered under his breath.

Lloyd grumbled quietly. He didn't want to show it (not wanting to offend Wu), but he had grown to hate the way people compared him to who he had already degraded to only be his conceiver rather than father. He didn't like people to constantly point out different things about him and say they were straight from Garmadon as though Lloyd wasn't his own person at all. It wasn't that he felt any hatred or bitterness towards his conceiver. Complicated was a better word, or strange. 

"Lloyd, would you like to try again?" Wu asked.

Lloyd shook his head.

"Why not?"

The boy gazed at the ceiling dully. "Because I feel like I'm dumber than Rita's dead dogs together, and that's already pretty dumb." 

He wasn't exaggerating. The dogs had been very unintelligent. One of them had once run into a closed door, and the other had started attacking a small mirror upon thinking the reflection was another dog.

Wu gave him a very Wu-ish look. "Try one more time. Don't quit."

The blond sighed and sat up again. However, he did not try to hold the pencil the right way and then have Wu correct him, but grabbed the pencil in his fist and started to scribble on the sheet of paper with little to no care. He could sense the surprised look in his uncle's eyes, but cared oddly little. His fingers only tightened around the pencil and held it like a hammer. After writing down the rest of the words, Lloyd put the pencil down and officially gave up.

Returning to lie on the floor and become interested in a loose thread on his sweater sleeve, Lloyd expected to hear Wu sigh or express some forced compliment on his progress, but it never came. He became curious enough to glance up and found his uncle staring at the paper in wonder.

"What?" He questioned.

"That… that was perfect."

If something, this got Lloyd to jump up and take a look at what he had done to the paper. He too was shocked to find neatly written words on the paper, all with a gap of the same size between them, all written in straight rows. He swore he had never seen even Nya writing so perfectly, much less Kai, whose handwriting was illegible and almost a form of abstract art.

"Wow," Lloyd said, his mouth agape. "You said learning requires time. Has enough time passed now?"

"I guess so," Wu muttered, staring at the paper in disbelief. However, Lloyd could soon find a hint of realization dawning on his uncle, after which the said master nodded to himself, stroking his magically long beard. "Yes, of course. That must be it."

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