Author's note

126 3 0

January 15, 2024

I haven't been on Wattpad in literal years. The last thing I remember doing was reading (and writing) really shitty self insert and rare pair fanfics for Haikyu!! and My Hero Academia back in 2020. I switched my main source of brainrot (AO3 my beloved) about a year after discovering fan fiction, and I decided I wanted to bring my new fan fiction knowledge to Wattpad!!

Every now and then, I find a fan fiction that makes me want to stay up hours after the sun goes down and get only like an hour of sleep on the weekends, shifting the position I laid in every time something crazy happened. THAT FIRST KISS FEELING IS ALWAYS AMAZING. There are some fics that I've read that I'd consider the best in the fandom and they spoil all other fan fictions on that particular ship for me because of how good they are.

I'm wanting to make a story like those fanfics. While I haven't ever completed a story I've started (and this has been a habit I've had for probably 8 years), I'm hoping I can keep up with this one alongside tiering on Eng PJSK.

While this is a big goal, I'm wanting to start off 2024 right!!
Updates won't be all that frequent because I have school and shit but I'm hoping that I can actually make something worthwhile. Comments reminding me to update would be greatly appreciated, and comments that critique are always welcome!! I'm always wanting to improve my skills as a writer, so any feedback you have will be so so incredible from author to reader!!

I'll probably include the writing dates in author notes at the end of each chapter so you guys can have an idea on how long each chapter took me to write, etc. and as a record for myself so I can know just how long I'm making you wait.

I'm trying to keep this note as concise as possible since I know most people just want to get straight to the Akitoya rot (and honestly I don't blame you because you're so right for that.), but I'm also noticing that this author's note is longer than some fanfics on this app so that's already a great start!!! The chapters will probably be pretty long because I'm not gonna just post 500 words and consider it a chapter.

I'll do a dedication because fuck you, I want to be pretentious.

,,For B, the reason I ever started playing Project Sekai, and for my boyfriend, E, for putting up with me talking about it as much as I do. Love you both so much and thank you for everything <3"

One last thing before I shut up. I will be revising and editing this myself. No beta, we die like how the fandom wants Mafuyu's mom.
THAT'S ALL!! Thanks for reading, it really does mean a lot!!

P.S. if anyone want to friend request me on PJSK, I'm only on the global server and my account code is: 381893081026420744

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