(Failed) Date Night (Billie Eilish) (*)

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Summary: After months and months of busy nights, Y/n and Billie find some time to reconnect.

Thanks for this request from my wifey<3 You know who you are ;)

Y/n POV:

I sigh as I finish up the paperwork on my desk, looking down at it with exasperation as I sign off on the last line. Now, I'm free to go home.

Fucking, finally.

I grab my laptop, close it and carefully slide it into my bag before checking the time. I groan as the numbers stare back up at me, my brightness too high. 12:37 A.M. I check my message and see that I have a goodnight text from my girlfriend.

Bil<3: I just got home and noticed you weren't here. If I'm in bed by the time you get back then I hope you have sweet dreams. And don't work too hard ;)

A small smile curls onto my lips and I slip my phone back into my pocket. I turn off all the lights in my office and start to walk towards the elevator. It'll take close to half an hour to get back to our apartment so I pick out some soft classical music to listen to on the way home. Usually, I listen to Billie but I'm in the mood for something calming.

I make sure to lock the doors as I leave and chuckle to myself when I see the empty parking lot, only filled by one car, mine. Probably because only workaholics are in the office until almost 1 A.M. I'll admit that I throw myself into my work sometimes, but right now, I'm just so busy that it's impossible to get everything done during my regular office hours. 

I reach my car and press the unlock button twice before opening the door and getting in, gently placing my bag on the passenger seat. I start my car and pull out of the lot, noticing how dead the highway is. There are cars on the road of course, but compared to the usual vibrant, lively streets it's almost like a graveyard. I let the music play quietly in the background, creating a cozy ambience along with my seat warmer while I drive down the highway back to our place.

When I finally pull into our complex,  I let out a sigh of relief.

I'm home.

To be honest, anywhere that Billie is feels like home. I park in my usual spot and get out, locking my car as I walk over to the stairs and slowly make my way up to the third floor. Our apartment is the second one down, with the first one being vacant since we moved in a couple of years ago.

Once I get inside, I see Billie, her hands wrapped around a mug, reading a book. She looks up as I close the door behind me and her lips quirk up into a soft smile. Instinctively, mine do too.

"Hey, baby," She greets me, placing her mug down and standing up. I pull off my shoes and walk over to her, greeting her by wrapping my arms around her. She presses a kiss on my forehead and I smile at her.

"Hi, my love," I whisper against her neck as she holds me tightly. We hold each other, savouring the feeling of physical connection.

"You're home so late tonight, you need to relax." She tells me, slowly guiding me over to the couch. I let her guide me and then lay me down on the couch, settling down beside me a few moments later.

I nod my head sleepily and I feel her place a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Do you need some food?" Billie asks, her voice filled with care. I shake my head and my eyes flutter closed. I open my arms and she chuckles, slowly maneuvering herself into my arms. Her head falls in the crook of my neck and I let out a content hum.

"I'm sorry that I missed date night," I let out after a few moments, I feel my girlfriend stir and she lifts her head up.

"It's alright, we're both super busy. I missed it last week and you were understanding, date night is nice, but as long as we have each other, I'm good," I start to blush, looking into her blue-green eyes. She smiles up at me and her hand reaches up to cup my cheek. 

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