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I joined a new class to study . On the first day I met many of my schoolmates there, among them was a guy... Stanley Walter he was also my classmate but I never noticed him. He was the exact opposite of me. never good at studies, always bunking the class, always roaming around. While I was the good girl who was great at studies, smart, always listened to her parents,everyone's favourite. Where everyone was loving me but still I used to hate myself - my skin colour, my height, my face everything about my physical appearance. I always felt ugly.

I, Stan and Mason- (my friend but Stan's close friend) always we used to be together we became the best friends. They both used to wait for me after class, often used to come to my house.. Therefore my mother also knew them very well.
I noticed that everyone was teasing Stan with someone's name...as time passed I started to tease him as well.

I am sitting in the classroom when suddenly Stan called me I went to him thinking maybe he will ask about notes as he skipped today's class as usual....he said "is Cris your boyfriend ? " ........ I said laughing my.....boyfriend. No he is just a normal friend and I don't have any boyfriend. Love is not my thing I am never interested an....before completing my sentence he grabbed my hand and said I don't know if you have any boyfriend or not but I really really like you can I be your boyfriend..... I was so confused as well as shocked. I asked him...you like someone else everyone teases you by her name why are you asking me out?
He said noo I don't like anyone I just like you and everyone teases me because that girl has a crush on me that's it I love you no one else.....As I was never interested in this stuff I directly rejected him and went back to my seat. After coming home I still couldn't process what happened today. And it became more confusing when my mom came home and gifted me 'red heart shape pillow' with 'I Love You' written on it because she never bought something like this ever and why did she gifted me this on the same day when someone proposed me I don't know it could be a coincidence maybe......

Next day:
It was a Sunday morning. I went to a shop to buy some stuff and saw Stan coming from the other side... I tried to rush home but he noticed me and followed me while trying to convince me to accept his proposal. He followed me till my house I was scared my mom will see us so I said him angrily leave right now or else I'll beat you with my slippers but maybe this guy is crazy he said - "okay but just accept me...I don't care if you beat me with slippers or anything else I just wanna be your boyfriend"....... As I just wanted him to leave somehow I said just give me some time I'll tell you.

Few days past, I didn't gave him any answer nor did we talk but when ever we used look at eachother we just nodded our heads him nodding it as a yes and me as a no. As he was trying so much I though let's just say yes it's not like I have any feelings for him. Next day I said yes and he was really really happy..we started dating..he started to roam around my house everyday... eventually I started to wait for him in my balcony, sometimes I used to skip lunch thinking if I went for lunch I might don't get a chance to see him...

One day at school Stan was not talking to me ignoring me I didn't knew why. I came back home after school and then out of the blue Stan was standing in front of my house.. I was scared cuz my brother's were at home. I went to him and before I could say anything he said I love you and randomly started scolding me saying why did you cry? I'm sorry just because I was not talking you were crying why?.....

Waitt... first of all you were not talking with me and suddenly you are at my place saying you love me and one sec.... crying? who? Me! Who said I was crying and why would I cry just because you were not talking?...

He said, "Your friend told me you were crying because of me even teacher asked but you didn't replied...so I was worried what happened and wanted to see you and wanted to apologise as well. I'm really sorry for not talking actually I was in a very bad mood and I was afraid I might say something wrong to you because of that."

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