Chapter 14

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Everyone in the Great Hall is either wearing Slytherin green and silver or Gryffindor red and gold. Lily is trying to get out of coming but the girls are firm about her coming to support our house. My first Quidditch game here, I can't help but think about playing with Jack, Harry, and Ron. How we would always do sleepovers the night before in the boys' dorm, sometimes with Mione too if we could get her to come. The day of the quidditch matches Jack jump scaring me and messing up my hair saying 'It's my good luck charm' and I would respond with, 'By pissing off the other beater?' I sigh and fold my arms placing them on the table, and put my head on them. Quidditch was always done together. It feels wrong doing it without them. The girls are too distracted with trying to get Lily to come to notice me in my slump which I am grateful for. Feeling eyes on me, I turn my head down the table and see The Marauders looking at me worriedly, I send them a little smile which makes them smile back and make silly faces to try and cheer me up. I snort and turn my head back to the girls when the doors slam open and Fabian runs in looking panicky.

"GRYFFINDOR WE NEED TO PANIC GIDEON IS IN THE HOSPITAL WING AND CAN'T PLAY!" I whip my head up and look at Fabian with wide eyes. Everyone starts yelling the rest of the Gryffindor team immediately stands up and they start talking. The Slytherin table erupts into cheers, I stand up and walk toward the team to hear what they plan on doing,

"I mean Sirius is a good beater," James suggests but the rest of the team looks at him like he's grown a second head,

"Are you forgetting he got a Quidditch ban?!" Fabian yells,

"Who can play if we don't have reserves for beaters?" Marlene asks looking worriedly between the team,

"I don't know," Fabian whispers looking defeated, Might as well, I shrug before standing up from the table and joining their brainstorming circle next to Marlene and Fabian,

"I can play," I add making everyone looking at me shocked,

"You haven't been here the whole time right?" James questions looking completely puzzled,

"Nope," I respond cheerily, I look at Fabian, and repeat, "I can play," looking him dead in the eyes,

"Playing beater is hard you need lots of straight, balance, speed, and be prepared to be hit by a rouge bludger," He lists looking me up and clearly not thinking I can do it,

"I have played beater plenty of times before," I sass rolling my eyes,

"Do you have a uniform?" Wood comments looking me up and down like Fabian did, I scoff and grab Marl's and Mary's moving us back to the girls,

"I'll sort it out," I call back and sit down, and piling mine, Mary's, and Marlene's plates with a piece of toast, an egg, and two pieces of bacon. I push it in front of them and start eating my own in silence going over the old dangerous tactics Jack and I came up with in 6th year. After I finish I stand up, "What time do I have to be at the pitch?" I ask Marlene whose leg is bouncing up and down,

"In 30 minutes," She murmurs and continues to pick at her food,

"Eat it will help. I know you feel like you're going to puke but you can't find the snitch on an empty stomach," I tease poking her shoulder making her smile a bit and actually eat some food. I sprint to my dorm and rummage through my trunk, "Come on, come on. Please tell me I packed them," I pray under my breath, throwing my clothes everywhere until I find them. Fuck they say, Fisher! I curse in my head before holding my hand over them and thinking of the name Gryffindor written in yellow on the back of my jersey. When I look down I almost squeal in joy when I see the right name on my jersey. Quickly I change my clothes and call Willow,

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