01 silver.

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Present day storybrooke Maine silver frowned as she watched her best friend ruby doing her shift at granny's her legs bouncing up and down impatiently. When was Ruby finally going to be done her shift"? Silver wanted to hang out with her best friend so badly but she had to wait until ruby was done her shift at the dinner. Silver cheeked the time on her phone and sighed annoyed it was only 1pm Ruby wasn't going to be done her shift til 2 pm. Silver froze as Regina approached her and sighed hey silver beautiful day isn't it"? Regina said to the girl. What do you want Regina"? Silver said to Regina growing suspicious. I just wanted to know if you've seen rosemary anywhere"? Regina asked silver. No I haven't seen rosemary anywhere why Regina"? Silver asked Regina. Because I can't find her anywhere". Regina replied. Well good luck looking for rosemary Regina". Silver said. Um no you're going to help me find rosemary". Regina said to silver. Regina I have to meet ruby soon besides why should I help you"? Silver asked Regina. Because rosemary is also your friend silver". Regina replied. 

Gif at top is silver talking to Regina. 

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