Chanel - 2023

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It's a physical and mental struggle for people to change. When I mean change, I mean alter all of your habits and completely destroy them. Certain people will just never believe that saying. That's why I'm walking the exact same way even though I could have crossed 200 meters back for a quicker walk to the chemistry labs. I press the button to initiate the pedestrian crossing.

"Chanel!" I stop in my tracks, slowly looking behind me. I spot a familiar brunette with a golden retriever grin. He rushes to me, his tall athletic build towering beside me. "Where are you going?"

"Matthew." I greet, smiling. "I'm going to my chemistry lab." I say, pointing towards the tall building a few meters ahead of me. He grins, chuckling and I try very hard to not grin too hard and blush.

"Fuck, I have never touched chemistry. That's so cool though."

I'm trying extremely hard now not to blush.

Before I can continue on the topic of conversation, I gasp a little. "You got your braces off!" I exclaim, giggling. "You look really good." I blurt. He blinks at me, looking away and grinning. The pedestrian signal goes off and we cross the road.

"Thanks." He says, smiling softly. I have to look away now because if I don't I'll explode. We walk a little bit in silence, my awkwardness building.

"Okay, bye." I say, waving at him.

"See you." He says, grinning one last time and not looking back.

Oh my God. I can't help but smile but also internally die because that was a bit awkward.

You look really good? Fuck, Chanel. Calm the fuck down.

I physically facepalm as I walk through the ground floor of the science building because it's too painful to bear.

As I wait outside my lab room, two of my friends attack me from behind me.

"We were walking behind you the whole time from your bus stop." Natalie says. I gape at her and she giggles.

"Who was your new boy toy?" Angie asks me, nudging me in the shoulder as we prepare to walk into our lab. I mentally cringe at her words. As much as I loved her, who the fuck uses that phrase anymore?

"He is a friend. A mutual friend." I say quietly, glaring daggers at her.

"You're not triggered, I called him your boy toy?" Angie asks, following me and Natalie inside the lab. I smile, refraining from giggling.

"He's just a friend." She rolls her eyes, smirking.

"Isn't that what everyone says right before they get dicked down?" Natalie bluntly says as we prepare our lab equipment. I slap her on the shoulder playfully, sending her a sharp glare.

After we finish the three hour chemistry lab, I begin to gather my books from the metal locker, stuffing them into my backpack. Natalie and Angie are at the lockers across from me, and it isn't long before both of them rush up to me. Angie grabs me by the shoulders, moving me to the side as students rush past us out of the lab. "Oi. You're coming with us tonight, right?" She asks, and I blink. I shrug. "You promised."

"Fine. It'll be fun I guess." I say with a slight sigh. Natalie and Angie exchange a concerned glance and I eye both of them cautiously. "What?"

"Don't be sad. Seriously. Forget about Arjun. He was a fucking dick to break up with you like that. And everything else..." Natalie pauses, looking at Angie. "It's seriously fucked up." I open my mouth to say something. "And do not fucking say it was your fault." I shut my mouth.

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