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A/N- [The prologue was a glimpse from the past. The story unfolds in the present, so don't get confused, guys.]


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The perspective of life varies for everyone, but for me, it's do or die.

Nothing beats the thrill of being an attorney, where you can manipulate, break, and win the game-whether it's legal or illegal. The decision should be yours.

"Now, what should we do if we're dealing with the case of smuggling gold? The smugglers should be in jail, right? But no-"

"Objection, my lord!"

"How would you prove that, Ms. Park?" Mr. Stephen, the poor attorney before me, said.

"My lord, the footage of the gold being smuggled is not real; it is morphed in a way that can destroy the image of the Jeons," I said, a subtle smile on my face, making my opponent annoyed.


"Mr. Stephen, overruled." judge said to the opponents attorney.

"Continue, Ms. Park," the judge said to me.

"Thank you, my lord. So, Mr. Shin, you were saying that you saw men of Jeon industry where the gold was stored."

"Y-Yes," Mr. Shin's sweat was visible; he knew he was dealing with the Jeons, who could kill without blinking an eye.

"But I have something else to show you," I replied, showing them footage where the men of Shin and Co. Ltd were transferring gold from storage to the truck.

Sweat formed on both men, and their hands started trembling in fear. Shin shouted, "This is a trap! This is not ours! This is a trap!" I smirked.

The officers there grabbed the man and took him aside because of his crazy antics.

"My lord, it can be seen that Mr. Shin was trying to harm the image of the Jeon family and call them out. It is a case of defamation, and as a fine, we want 1.5 million won and imprisonment for 7 years," I told the judge about the penalty and imprisonment.

"As per the aspects shown in the eyes of the law, we can see that Shin is guilty and is liable to pay the penalty and imprisonment. Case dismissed," the three taps of the hammer echoed, and Stephen fell on the ground on his knees, crying out.

I grabbed my belongings and my coat while Jin came into view. "So, how was the hearing?" my friend asked.


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