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Author's POV

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Author's POV

10 years ago...

"Hyung!" Jungkook, the younger brother of Jeongguk, called out to his twin.

"Yes, Jungkook-ah," Jeongguk responded, smiling at his younger brother. Though only three minutes separated them, Jeongguk took it upon himself to protect his younger brother with his life.

"What should I gift Minji for Valentine's?" Jungkook asked his 20-year-old brother.

"Whatever she likes. Why are you asking me, Jungkook?" Jeongguk chuckled as he loaded his gun, a gift from their father at the age of 14, training him for the harsh world of the mafia. As the older one, he took the responsibility to ensure his younger brother could live a happy life.

"Come on, hyung, please," Jungkook whined with a pout and a frown.

Jeongguk's heart melted, and he smiled. "Maybe you should take her on a date. What do you think about that?" he suggested, securing his gun on his belt. Jungkook's eyes gleamed with happiness.

"Oh, yes! Thanks for the suggestion, hyung. I'll take her on a date today," Jungkook excitedly declared, leaving his brother with a sad smile as he watched his fading figure.

Present time...

"What the heck do you mean by that? You couldn't handle that matter?" Jeongguk shouted at his brother, tossing the papers detailing the shipment of important weapons.

"I told you it's not in my hands. You have to wait for 15 days. Can't you wait till then? Are you that desperate to earn your illegal money?" Jungkook spat harshly.

"I am damn desperate, so I want my weapons in my storage by tomorrow, or you'll see the devil, Jungkook," Jeongguk venomously threatened, his voice deep and intimidating.

"I'll take my time to do that. You can do whatever you want," Jungkook stated, wearing his glasses and leaving his mansion. While Jeongguk sat down, rubbing his temples with his fingers, and called one of the maids, ordering a drink to ease his mind.

"Again had some dumbfuck fight with him," said Park Jimin, the right-hand man of Jeongguk.

"Shut the hell up, J," Jimin chuckled, pouring a glass of whiskey for himself.

"You can deny me as much as you want, but how long will you deny yourself?" Jimin smirked while handing the glass to Jeongguk.

"I don't know about that, but I'll surely smash your face against the wall if you don't stop talking," Jeongguk threatened, earning a loud laugh from Jimin, his friend and right-hand man.

"By the way, we got the gold. Did you hear from my sis?" Jimin asked, settling beside him and spreading his legs.

"Yeah, your dear sis told me about it with her bratty attitude," Jeonggukk replied, swirling his whiskey.

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