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I want to know what it has to have a peaceful life, to have 2 minutes of peace where you do what you admire, where you do whatever you want. But guess what, life has its own darkness.

I never had the luxury of experiencing peace. My life has been a series of unfortunate events, each one darker than the last. It all started when my father died on duty in a tragic accident. Then, a mysterious event claimed my mother's life, and nobody cared enough to give me the justice I yearned for.

Now, I have nothing. Just the memories of my parents and a past where we were a happy family. And here I am, navigating through life's cruel twists, enduring it all with a smile on my face.

My father, a brave soul who sacrificed his life for others, left me too soon. His absence created a void that no one could fill. And then, the mysterious circumstances surrounding my mother's death only added to the shadows that loomed over my life.

No one cared about the truth or sought justice for her. I was left alone, grappling with the pain of loss and the injustice that tainted my family's memory. Life became a relentless struggle, and I learned to wear a facade of strength, hiding the turmoil within.

As I reminisce about the beautiful moments we shared as a family, the warmth of love, and the laughter that echoed in our home, it feels like a distant dream. The stark contrast between that blissful past and my current reality is a painful reminder of how swiftly life can change.

I've walked this path alone, with the weight of grief and injustice on my shoulders. The world moved on, oblivious to my struggles, leaving me to fend for myself. But I've learned to carry this burden with a smile, masking the pain that lingers beneath the surface.

In the pursuit of peace, I find solace in the memories of a time when happiness was not a distant memory. As I navigate through the complexities of life, I hold onto the hope that one day justice will prevail, and the shadows that haunt me will be dispelled.

Determined to carve out a new path, I decided to try my luck by applying for the vacant secretary position I heard about. It was a glimmer of hope in the midst of life's uncertainties. As I got ready for the interview, I couldn't help but feel a surge of nerves mixed with anticipation.

I dressed in my most professional attire, carefully choosing each piece to present myself as a capable candidate. The mirror reflected a woman ready to face the challenges that awaited her in the corporate world.

Arriving at the office, I couldn't shake off the knot in my stomach. The unfamiliar surroundings and the weight of my past experiences lingered in the air. Yet, I pressed on, determined to embrace this opportunity for change.

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