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I can't seem to obey any order of events in these writings. It was never about that anyways. This is somewhere I've just chosen to pour out my soul, my heart.
Forgiveness... it's easier for some people. I mean that in two ways. Some people are easier to forgive and some people find it easier to forgive. My heart is washed and burdened by the flood of memories and affections of a life now distant. That lady, who I mentioned in the last chapter, she has invaded my memories. I'm not angered or sorrowful over it, not really. The main emotion that has captured me is affection. She was the first, at least how I remember, who used that venomous word against me. It hurt, but it didn't make me angry.
   Why do I say all this now? Well, I saw her yesterday at a lady's birthday party (who turned ninety-five, wow, I know). She seemed almost like a passing vapor. I gave her a tight hug, maybe subconsciously afraid that she would disappear if I let go. She was gone so quickly. My heart aches. I didn't know it could pain me so much to know someone so wonderful. Her heart... it's like a the gentle fluttering of a bird's feather. She has a way of deeply empathizing with others and she often wears herself thin to meet people's needs. Also, honest, and honestly to a fault. Her gentle and loving demeanor betrays the truth, the life of conflict she is unwillingly caught in. She's deceptively strong. People like her, they are easy to forgive.
   Others are not.

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